Quotes from The Rise of Nine

Pittacus Lore ·  360 pages

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“A wise man once told me that only by leaving someone good can you meet someone better.”
― Pittacus Lore, quote from The Rise of Nine

“I know what I'm capable of; I am a soldier now, a warrior. I am someone to fear, not hunt.”
― Pittacus Lore, quote from The Rise of Nine

“I don't like bullies. No one has a right to take or to hurt just because they can.”
― Pittacus Lore, quote from The Rise of Nine

“Why couldn't you turn into a fireball when we were on the same team!”
― Pittacus Lore, quote from The Rise of Nine

“No more, no less. I'm an idiot. I really need to let this crush go.”
― Pittacus Lore, quote from The Rise of Nine

“We will not conquer our obstacles by running away from them. Speed does not matter, just that we do not stop.”
― Pittacus Lore, quote from The Rise of Nine

“I don't know why I still feel this pit in my stomach whenever I get a moment to think. I know what the pit is, too; I feel lonely. But I'm not alone, I keep telling myself.”
― Pittacus Lore, quote from The Rise of Nine

“Okay, I think it's time for another distraction" Eight says, disappearing again. He reappears by the outer circle of stones, plants his hands on an upright slab, and pushes hard. All I can do is watch in horror, frozen to the spot. The huge stone wobbles and slowly tips backwards, then the horizontal slab on top falls too, and that's when Eight starts yelling, "Help! Help! The stones are falling over! Stonehenge is falling down!" I will kill him. I clench my fists at my side, which is when I realize I still have a small rock in my hand. I lean down and carefully, pointlessly, return it to its spot.”
― Pittacus Lore, quote from The Rise of Nine

“Next he grabs a round yellow thing covered in small bumps. It looks like a strange fruit and I half expect him to squeeze it to produce juice. When it reaches shoulder height the small bumps explode, turning into razor-sharp spikes. I duck and roll in BK's direction to avoid getting impaled.

"What the hell?" I shout. "You could have warned me! This is the second time in less than five minutes that you've almost killed me.”
― Pittacus Lore, quote from The Rise of Nine

“A normal life. Such a simple idea, but it's almost impossible for me to picture.”
― Pittacus Lore, quote from The Rise of Nine

“Setrakus is more or less invincible. Only Pittacus Lore, the most powerful of all the Lorien Elders, would have been able to defeat him.”
― Pittacus Lore, quote from The Rise of Nine

“Kill that Garde as hard as you can!”
― Pittacus Lore, quote from The Rise of Nine

“Only by leaving someone good can you meet someone better- Eight”
― Pittacus Lore, quote from The Rise of Nine

“For the first time, I´m not just nervous about what´s to come; I´m scared.”
― Pittacus Lore, quote from The Rise of Nine

“Only by leaving someone good can you meet someone better.”
― Pittacus Lore, quote from The Rise of Nine

“This is not our home, Four. These humans are not our brothers and sisters. Everything we do here on Earth is for our real home, for our real brothers and sisters; for the Elders who sacrificed their lives to put us on that ship ...

If you don't have Lorien in your heart, then you should say so right now. I won't run around with a traitor. Our only goal is doing everything we can to be at full strength so we can defeat Setrakus Ra and his army. That's it. Got it?!”
― Pittacus Lore, quote from The Rise of Nine

“No. You are leaving me. You are off to something bigger and better. A wise man once told me that only by leaving someone good can you meet someone better.”
― Pittacus Lore, quote from The Rise of Nine

“I am someone to fear, not hunt.”
― Pittacus Lore, quote from The Rise of Nine

“I don't like bullies. No one has a right to take or to hurt, just because they can.”
― Pittacus Lore, quote from The Rise of Nine

“We are stronger when we unite.”
― Pittacus Lore, quote from The Rise of Nine

“He raises the gun towards Nine’s face and laughs at what he thinks is just bravado. ‘Don’t tempt me, punk. Killing you would be the highlight of my day.’ ‘Well, then, shoot. No reason to put off the highlight of your day. You don’t look like you get a lot of them.’ Nine says. I sigh, knowing this is all going to end badly. And after, there will be attention we don’t need.”
― Pittacus Lore, quote from The Rise of Nine

“Marina proved herself to be a strong ally with amazing Legacies on the battlefield yesterday. She can breathe underwater, see in the dark and heal the sick and wounded. Like all Garde, she also has telekinesis. And because we’re so close in order—I’m Number Six and she’s Number Seven—our bond is special.”
― Pittacus Lore, quote from The Rise of Nine

“We are a team. That means something important. We take care of each other...When one of us is weak, the rest of us need to be that much stronger.”
― Pittacus Lore, quote from The Rise of Nine

“purple pebble he is balancing on the back of his hand. It disappears. ‘What’s that?’ I ask. He turns over his hand and the pebble reappears on his palm. ‘I have no idea, but it would be a killer conversation starter with the ladies, don’t you think?”
― Pittacus Lore, quote from The Rise of Nine

“When one of us is weak, the rest of us need to be that much stronger.”
― Pittacus Lore, quote from The Rise of Nine

“That’s right! Run! Because if you don’t, that fire is just waiting to finish the job off!” When the last one disappears from view, I turn and start walking back towards the hills. I need to find my friends.”
― Pittacus Lore, quote from The Rise of Nine


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Pittacus Lore
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