Quotes from The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys

Chris Fuhrman ·  200 pages

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“Trouble is our only defense against boredom.”
― Chris Fuhrman, quote from The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys

“Every adult is the creation of a child.”
― Chris Fuhrman, quote from The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys

“I want people to see and hear the things I see and hear. And I want them to remember how it was when they were children. I don't want them to grow up entirely.
Every adult is the creation of a child. My own signature, that identifying scrawl required by parcel postmen and valued by a handful of comic-book fans, that signature was devised by a thirteen-year-old boy who thought I'd want to seem important one day. I am stuck with it. My life is the result of that boy's dreams and limitations, and of the company that boy kept a long time ago, back when things could still happen for the first time.”
― Chris Fuhrman, quote from The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys

“The more dangerous life is, the better. Scary equals important, right?”
― Chris Fuhrman, quote from The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys

“I mean, do you believe in God or what? “ “Not the name-brand God they serve here.” Tim said. “That old guy with the beard, granting wishes out of the clouds to whoever says the most rosaries. That’s bullshit. I believe in everything.”
― Chris Fuhrman, quote from The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys

“We tried not to look at each other for a minute, smiling each time we did. Except for the tiny scars on her wrists, she seemed perfect to me, and so I loved the scars, because they meant that I could save her from something, and save myself”
― Chris Fuhrman, quote from The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys

“The lemming types came out of their houses with flashlights. Going to light up the world with those flashlights, I guess." He laughed. "I stopped them all from watching Happy Days. Forced their IQs up a couple notches.”
― Chris Fuhrman, quote from The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys

“Margie Flynn was in my head like a bad cold, blurring everything. It was a new kind of loneliness, a hurt I couldn’t stop picking at.”
― Chris Fuhrman, quote from The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys

About the author

Chris Fuhrman
Born place: in Savannah, Georgia, The United States
Born date January 1, 1960
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