Quotes from Prentice Alvin

Orson Scott Card ·  342 pages

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“He’d undone all he could. You can be sorry, and you can be forgiven, but you can’t call back the futures that your bad decisions lost”
― Orson Scott Card, quote from Prentice Alvin

“I'm just saying things never get so bad we can't do something to make them better.”
― Orson Scott Card, quote from Prentice Alvin

“The bigger a man is, the more people he serves,” said the Prophet. “A small man serves himself. Bigger is to serve your family. Bigger is to serve your tribe. Then your people. Biggest of all, to serve all men, and all lands.”
― Orson Scott Card, quote from Prentice Alvin

“Everybody has his talent, everybody has his gift from God, and we go about sharing gifts with each other, that's the way of the world, the best way.”
― Orson Scott Card, quote from Prentice Alvin

“Slavery, that was a kind of alchemy for such White folk, or so they reckoned. They calculated a way of turning each bead of a Black man's sweat into gold and each moan of despair from a Black woman's throat into the sweet clear sound of a silver coin ringing on the money-changer's table. There was buying and selling of souls in that place. Yet there was nary a one of them who understood the whole price they paid for owning other folk.”
― Orson Scott Card, quote from Prentice Alvin

“[H]e had come to work for what the fee could buy, and not for joy of the work itself.”
― Orson Scott Card, quote from Prentice Alvin

About the author

Orson Scott Card
Born place: in Richland, Washington, The United States
Born date August 24, 1951
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