Quotes from Coast

Jay McLean ·  488 pages

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“I’m here now, and I’m not letting you go until I give you everything I am … And if it’s still not enough, if you still won’t believe me, then I’ll keep trying. Over and over. Until you realize that you could have come to me shattered, broken, in an infinite of pieces, and I would’ve made you whole. I would have loved you. Every damaged piece of you. In all ways and for always.”
― Jay McLean, quote from Coast

“You’re not just a girl to me and you never have been. If you need me to prove that to you, I will. If you want me to fight for you, I will. If you want me to go to war for you, I fucking will. You know that. Somewhere, deep in here” – he places his hand on my chest and my eyes snap open, meeting his – “you know I would. But you need to give me a sign so I know that it’s not for nothing. You have to give me something. I can’t go through that heartache again.”
― Jay McLean, quote from Coast

“Are you planning on coming out and kissing me any time soon? Or should I just stab myself in the chest, rip out my heart, and leave it out in the open?”
― Jay McLean, quote from Coast

“If you want to learn what someone fears losing, watch what they photograph.” - Unknown.”
― Jay McLean, quote from Coast

“We loved in ways that can’t be explained, hurt in ways that can’t be justified.”
― Jay McLean, quote from Coast

“I would love nothing more than to be your hero, Becca Owens.”
― Jay McLean, quote from Coast

“We fall. We get back up. We kick. We push. Again and again. Because the joy of success is greater than the depression of failure.”
― Jay McLean, quote from Coast

“He wears his pain on his sleeves, and hides his joys in his heart, because he’s so damn terrified of losing them. And maybe that’s why you clash sometimes, because you’re the opposite, Becca. You only share your joy, while you hide your pain. And, maybe, if you can both find a way to balance that, you’ll find the coast.”
― Jay McLean, quote from Coast

“I hate him.
I love him.
I hate that I love him.”
― Jay McLean, quote from Coast

“For her, true happiness means you, Warden.”
― Jay McLean, quote from Coast

“We filled our days with porch-step kisses, filled our ears with three-year-old laughter, and filled our hearts with love. Deep, soul-aching, desperate love.”
― Jay McLean, quote from Coast

“I knew in my heart that without her, I’d never be able to coast.”
― Jay McLean, quote from Coast

“Because it’s not fair that you should have to love me broken, especially when I can never make you whole.”
― Jay McLean, quote from Coast

“I met a girl with raven dark hair and eyes the color of emeralds…”
― Jay McLean, quote from Coast

“She rolls her eyes. “Of all the women you see in your travels, you can’t wait to come home to me?”
“You’ll always be my number one girl,” I joke, and her eyes roll higher.”
― Jay McLean, quote from Coast

“love means nothing. It’s an invisible, fleeting moment. Somewhere between false adoration and pure hatred comes an emotion, a vulnerable need, a single desire. It lives within the ones who miss it, who crave it, who know better than to expect it. Love is relentless, even when the love turns to hate, turns to loathing, turns to death. ~”
― Jay McLean, quote from Coast

“I missed you every day, Becs.”
― Jay McLean, quote from Coast

Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep, if I should die before I wake, I pray in heaven I can skate.
― Jay McLean, quote from Coast

“My Heart. My World. My Coast. My Becca.”
― Jay McLean, quote from Coast

“The moment I fell in love with her. She made me feel weightless, feel free, feel airborne. So I kicked, and I pushed, and for the past year, that’s all I’ve been doing because it didn’t feel the same and I knew in my heart that without her, I’d never be able to coast.”
― Jay McLean, quote from Coast

“If you want to learn what someone fears losing, watch what they photograph.” - Unknown.”
― Jay McLean, quote from Coast

“Tears escape from my eyes, wetting my cheeks. They fall onto our hands, the same time I fall into him. “I love you,” I mouth. He quirks an eyebrow. “Olive juice?”
― Jay McLean, quote from Coast

“And if it’s still not enough, if you still won’t believe me, then I’ll keep trying. Over and over. Until you realize that you could have come to me shattered, broken, in an infinite of pieces, and I would’ve made you whole. I would have loved you. Every damaged piece of you. In all ways and for always.” Tears escape from my eyes, wetting my cheeks. They fall onto our hands, the same time I fall into him. “I love you,” I mouth. He quirks an eyebrow. “Olive juice?”
― Jay McLean, quote from Coast

“I kissed him that day, his lips warm and soft across my mouth. The taste of his kiss forever scarred on my lips, lips that have longed for him.”
― Jay McLean, quote from Coast

“Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep, if I should die before I wake, I pray in heaven I can skate.”
― Jay McLean, quote from Coast

“If I am the land,

and Josh is the sea, then

Tommy is the shore that completes us.”
― Jay McLean, quote from Coast

About the author

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