Quotes from The Song Rising

Samantha Shannon ·  363 pages

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“Never allow yourself to believe you should be silent.”
― Samantha Shannon, quote from The Song Rising

“You have risen from the ashes before. The only way to survive, " he said, "is to believe you always will.”
― Samantha Shannon, quote from The Song Rising

“When you dream of change, it shines bright, like fire, and burns away all the rot that came before it. It's swift and inexorable. You cry for justice, and justice is done. The world stands with you in your fight. But if there was one thing I had learned in these last few weeks, it was that change had never been that simple. That kind of revolution existed only in daydreams.”
― Samantha Shannon, quote from The Song Rising

“I imagined, too. And so imagination became my nemesis; my mind created monsters out of nothing.”
― Samantha Shannon, quote from The Song Rising

“War has often been called a game, with good reason. Both have combatants. Both have sides. Both carry the risk of losing.”
― Samantha Shannon, quote from The Song Rising

“Permission to disregard your orders, Underqueen."
"Permission not granted. Permission categorically denied.”
― Samantha Shannon, quote from The Song Rising

“The only way to survive is to believe you always will.”
― Samantha Shannon, quote from The Song Rising

“We like to think we’re brave, but in the end, we’re only human.”
― Samantha Shannon, quote from The Song Rising

“Perhaps this is for the best,' Warden said. 'You already dwell too deep in shadows.'
'I would have gone into the shadows for you.”
― Samantha Shannon, quote from The Song Rising

“Just going outside put me at risk of winding up dead or captured. If I let that daunt me, I'd never do anything.”
― Samantha Shannon, quote from The Song Rising

“The wonderful thing about living in a morally bankrupt world is that every human being can be bought in one way or another. Everyone accepts a currency. Money, mercy, the illusion of power – there are always ways to purchase loyalty.”
― Samantha Shannon, quote from The Song Rising

“We sat with our arms around each other, holding too tightly and not tightly enough.”
― Samantha Shannon, quote from The Song Rising

“She was adamant that any organisation that labelled one group of people as evil would eventually do the same to others. That to treat any one person as less than human was to cheapen the very substance of humanity.”
― Samantha Shannon, quote from The Song Rising

“The room was an hourglass that hadn't yet turned.”
― Samantha Shannon, quote from The Song Rising

“We canna grieve for those who’ve gone. Not before we’ve fought to change the world that took them.”
― Samantha Shannon, quote from The Song Rising

“How did you get here, then?'
'We walked,' Maria said, 'hence the "dejected snowman" look we're all modelling.”
― Samantha Shannon, quote from The Song Rising

“Some people believe that if they keep their heads down and stick to their safe routine and trust that nothing bad will befall them, then it won’t. They see things happening to others, but they think they’re different; they’re special; it could never happen to them. They believe that nothing can get better, but also that nothing can get worse. They’re cowards, in one way, because they won’t fight, but they’re also brave, because they’re willing to accept their lot in life. Glupava smelost, we called it. Foolish courage.”
― Samantha Shannon, quote from The Song Rising

“Every revolution begins with breakfast,’ I quoted as they left. ‘Is this your revolution, Jaxon?”
― Samantha Shannon, quote from The Song Rising

About the author

Samantha Shannon
Born place: in London, The United Kingdom
Born date November 8, 1991
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