Quotes from Seeds of Yesterday

V.C. Andrews ·  408 pages

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“I believe in God... but I don't believe in religion. Religion is used to manipulate and punish. Used in a thousand ways for profit for even in the church, money is still the 'real' God.”
― V.C. Andrews, quote from Seeds of Yesterday

“I don’t explain love, Bart. I don’t think anyone can. It grows from day to day from having contact with that other person who understands your needs, and you understand theirs. It starts with a faltering flutter that touches your heart and makes you vulnerable to everything beautiful.”
― V.C. Andrews, quote from Seeds of Yesterday

“That's the way all life's battles are won.. You don't look at the overall picture. You take one step, then another, and another... until you arrive at your destination.”
― V.C. Andrews, quote from Seeds of Yesterday

“Hay un jardin en el cielo, que esta esperando. Es un jardin que Chris y yo imaginamos hace muchos años, mientras yaciamos en una losa dura y negra del tejado y contemplabamos el Sol y las estrellas”
― V.C. Andrews, quote from Seeds of Yesterday

“La vida es siempre asi: veinte minutos de afliccion por dos segundos de alegria.”
― V.C. Andrews, quote from Seeds of Yesterday

“Once I was in the cold dim room, without furniture or carpet or rugs, only a dollhouse that wasn't as wonderful as the original, I opened the tall and narrow closet door and began my ascent up the steep and narrow stairs.
On my way to the attic.
On my way to where I'd find my Christopher, again...”
― V.C. Andrews, quote from Seeds of Yesterday

“a long time ago I’d given up on religion, thinking it wasn’t for me when so many were bigoted, narrow-minded, and cruel.”
― V.C. Andrews, quote from Seeds of Yesterday

“I was the last of the four Dresden dolls. Only me... and I didn't want to be here.”
― V.C. Andrews, quote from Seeds of Yesterday

“The sun was hot and bright. A day for fishing, for swimming, for playing tennis and having fun, and they put my Christopher in the ground.”
― V.C. Andrews, quote from Seeds of Yesterday

“Only I had dry eyes, a dry heart.”
― V.C. Andrews, quote from Seeds of Yesterday

“I had heard the wind from the mountains calling me last night, telling me it was my time to go, and I woke up, knowing what to do.”
― V.C. Andrews, quote from Seeds of Yesterday

“We came together like long separated lovers who might never have the chance to kiss and hug again.”
― V.C. Andrews, quote from Seeds of Yesterday

“Los malvados siempre se las arreglan para permanecer jovenes y sanos mucho mas tiempo que aquellos que tienen un lugar reservado en el cielo”
― V.C. Andrews, quote from Seeds of Yesterday

“El orgullo es el vicio siempre presente de los imbeciles”
― V.C. Andrews, quote from Seeds of Yesterday

“Unicamente yo tenia secos los ojos, seco el corazon”
― V.C. Andrews, quote from Seeds of Yesterday

“He stepped beside me and encircled my shoulders with the comfort of his arm, protecting me from Joel, from everything. With him I’d live in a thatched hut, a tent, a cave. He gave me strength.”
― V.C. Andrews, quote from Seeds of Yesterday

“I knew then he was blind when he looked at me.”
― V.C. Andrews, quote from Seeds of Yesterday

“needing arms to hold me safe during the darkness, wanting kisses on my face to put me to sleep, to wake me up, to put over me a safe parasol of love.”
― V.C. Andrews, quote from Seeds of Yesterday

“¿Y cuando ha sido justa la vida, Cathy?”
― V.C. Andrews, quote from Seeds of Yesterday

“He estado demasiado tiempo en la medicina para no saber que la justicia no esta distribuida con equidad”
― V.C. Andrews, quote from Seeds of Yesterday

“I had heard the wind from the mountains calling me last night, telling me it was my time to go, and I woke up, knowing what to do.

Once I was in that cold dim room, without furniture or carpet or rugs, only a dollhouse that wasn’t as wonderful as the original, I opened the tall and narrow closet door and began my ascent up the steep and narrow stairs.

On my way to the attic.
On my way to where I’d find my Christopher, again . . .”
― V.C. Andrews, quote from Seeds of Yesterday

About the author

V.C. Andrews
Born place: in Portsmouth, Virginia, The United States
Born date June 6, 1923
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