Quotes from 11 Birthdays

Wendy Mass ·  272 pages

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“Nothing nice you ever do for anyone is for no reason.”
― Wendy Mass, quote from 11 Birthdays

“Whoa!" she says as I plow into her. " What are you DOING? Get off me!" I hang on tight. "Can't a girl just hug her big sister?" She stops fighting me. "Are you dying? Am I dying? Did Grandma die? I laugh. "No one died." "Then get off!”
― Wendy Mass, quote from 11 Birthdays

“It's a date," Leo repeats, and we shake on it.Leo's mother sticks her head in the door. "You guys are too young to be dating!"
"Mom!"Leo cries,turning bright red.”
― Wendy Mass, quote from 11 Birthdays

“My arms flew up of thier own accord knoking my bag down. I grabbed hold of the desk to keep myself from falling down.”
― Wendy Mass, quote from 11 Birthdays

― Wendy Mass, quote from 11 Birthdays

“Pizza and a movie (Escape to Witch Mountain, my all-time Disney favorite)”
― Wendy Mass, quote from 11 Birthdays

“When the waitress comes, Leo orders pancakes with chocolate chips and strawberries, an omelet with sausage and peppers, French toast with powdered sugar and pecans, hot chocolate with whipped cream, orange juice, home fries, regular fries with gravy, and a bowl of chocolate pudding.”
― Wendy Mass, quote from 11 Birthdays

“First, the boy. Pink cheeks, a mop of black hair, clenched fists. And then, in the next bassinet, the girl. A thin coating of blond fuzz on her head, a sweet smile on her lips. Angelina knew it was just gas, but that smile told her a lot. It told her all she needed to know. She stepped back and waited. A few minutes later, the two mothers appeared from different directions, wheeled up to the window by their happily exhausted husbands. The younger of the two women had her dark curly hair pulled into a loose ponytail.”
― Wendy Mass, quote from 11 Birthdays

“A dark-haired woman in a long skirt strolled through the door. The little boy perched on her hip clutched a purple bear. Amanda tilted her head to see both the boy and the bear better. The boy squirmed, and his mother set him down on the floor while she went up to the counter.”
― Wendy Mass, quote from 11 Birthdays

“They crawled toward each other, and then with some unspoken understanding, both pushed off the floor with their hands and stood. Four parents and many bemused party guests watched as the two babies took their very first steps, crashed into each other, and fell to the floor laughing.”
― Wendy Mass, quote from 11 Birthdays

“Lean back, tighten abs, keep arms locked, look for a place to land my hands.”
― Wendy Mass, quote from 11 Birthdays

“I sigh. I wonder if practicing in my head counts. I can easily picture myself doing a perfect routine. Somehow it comes out differently once gravity gets involved.”
― Wendy Mass, quote from 11 Birthdays

About the author

Wendy Mass
Born place: Livingston, The United States
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