Quotes from Sabrina Fair

Samuel Taylor ·  85 pages

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“I’m beginning to think that the world is divided into two kinds of men: those you can marry and don’t want to; those you want to marry and can’t.”
― Samuel Taylor, quote from Sabrina Fair

“We always blame the woman when a man falls in love, as though no man had the courage of his inclinations.”
― Samuel Taylor, quote from Sabrina Fair

“Sooner or later you learn that there’s a conspiracy of little people in this world to cut you down to their size. And then you grow up and make your choice: to live on their terms or your own.”
― Samuel Taylor, quote from Sabrina Fair

“(I) want to do everything and see everything, sense everything and feel everything and taste everything; to know that life is an enormous experience and must be used. To be in the world, and of the world, and never to stand aside and watch.”
― Samuel Taylor, quote from Sabrina Fair

“There is no such thing as a minor operation. Any opening, incision, cut, gash or puncture in the human body not put there by God is a blasphemy and a major disaster.”
― Samuel Taylor, quote from Sabrina Fair

About the author

Samuel Taylor
Born place: in Chicago, Illinois, The United States
Born date June 13, 1912
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