Quotes from Grey

E.L. James ·  576 pages

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“Only when the last leaf has fallen, the last tree has died, and the last fish been caught will we realize that we cannot eat money.”
― E.L. James, quote from Grey

“I want to own this woman, body and soul. I want her”
― E.L. James, quote from Grey

“She's my dream catcher. She keeps my nightmares at bay.”
― E.L. James, quote from Grey

“I want so much from her: her trust, her obedience, her submission. I want her to be mine, but right now…I’m hers.”
― E.L. James, quote from Grey

“each day will be darker and emptier, because she’s no longer in it.”
― E.L. James, quote from Grey

“I wake with a start.
Today, I win her back.
― E.L. James, quote from Grey

“This is your baby sister, Christian. Her name is Mia.”
Mommy lets me hold her. She is very small. With black, black hair.
She smiles. She has no teeth. I stick out my tongue. She has a bubbly laugh.
Mommy lets me hold the baby again. Her name is Mia.
I make her laugh. I hold her and hold her. She is safe when I hold her.
Elliot is not interested in Mia. She dribbles and cries.
And he wrinkles his nose when she does a poop.
When Mia is crying Elliot ignores her. I hold her and hold her and she stops.
She falls asleep in my arms.
“Mee a,” I whisper.
“What did you say?! Mommy asks, and her face is white like a chalk.
“Mee a.”
“Yes. Yes. Darling boy. Mia. Her name is Mia.”
And Mommy starts to cry with happy, happy tears.”
― E.L. James, quote from Grey

“Oh, I exercise control in all things, Miss Steele.”
― E.L. James, quote from Grey

“I could be with Ana, helping her pack all her shit, then going out for pizza with her and Kate and Elliot—or whatever ordinary people do.”
― E.L. James, quote from Grey

“Why didn’t you tell me there was danger? Why didn’t you warn me? Ladies know what to guard against, because they read novels that tell them of these tricks…”
― E.L. James, quote from Grey

“First, I don’t make love. I fuck, hard.”
― E.L. James, quote from Grey

“You are mine,” I whisper. “Only mine. Don’t forget it.”
― E.L. James, quote from Grey

“No... Ana. Don’t go.
“Good-bye, Christian.”
“Ana... good-bye.”
The doors close, and she’s gone.
I sink slowly to the floor and put my head in my hands. The void is now cavernous and aching, overwhelming me.
Grey, what the hell have you done?!
― E.L. James, quote from Grey

“Just because you can doesn’t mean that you should.”
― E.L. James, quote from Grey

“I’ve flown from Seattle just to see you, and the way you look right now, it was really worth the journey.”
― E.L. James, quote from Grey

“This book is dedicated to those readers who asked… and asked…and asked…and asked for this. Thank you for all that you’ve done for me. You rock my world every day.”
― E.L. James, quote from Grey

“That’s what I do, and I do it well. It’s nothing to do with luck!”
― E.L. James, quote from Grey

“She has a small, sweet face that is blushing now, an innocent pale rose. I wonder briefly if all her skin is like that—flawless—and what it would look like pink and warmed from the bite of a cane.”
― E.L. James, quote from Grey

“I’ve never felt this desire, this…hunger before. It’s a new feeling, new and shiny. I want so much from her: her trust, her obedience, her submission. I want her to be mine, but right now…I’m hers.”
― E.L. James, quote from Grey

“This I have to hear. You know she popped his cherry?” “Elliot!” Grace scolds, and swats him with a dish towel. “Ow!” He fends her off.”
― E.L. James, quote from Grey

“Don’t place some vague moral judgment on yourself based on what others might think.”
― E.L. James, quote from Grey

“I want to stay in her mind. I need to stay in her mind.”
― E.L. James, quote from Grey

“Oh, fuck the paperwork.” The words come from nowhere and on instinct I grab her and push her against the wall. Clasping both her hands, I pin them above her head so she can’t touch me, and once she’s secure, I twist my other hand in her hair while my lips seek and find hers.”
― E.L. James, quote from Grey

“I want to chase the dawn with you.”
― E.L. James, quote from Grey

“I’ll leave you with a quote that has always resonated with me. And I’m paraphrasing a Native American saying: ‘Only when the last leaf has fallen, the last tree has died, and the last fish been caught will we realize that we cannot eat money.’  ”
― E.L. James, quote from Grey

“…Have you considered a more conventional relationship with this girl?”
“No, I haven’t.”
“Why not?”
“Because it’s never occurred to me that I could.”
― E.L. James, quote from Grey

“A man who acquires the ability to take full possession of his own mind may take possession of anything else to which he is justly entitled.’ I’m very singular, driven. I like control—of myself and those around me.”
― E.L. James, quote from Grey

“My body’s reaction is irritating. Maybe this will stop if I fetter, fuck, and flog her…and not necessarily in that order. Yeah. That’s what I need.”
― E.L. James, quote from Grey

About the author

E.L. James
Born place: London, The United Kingdom
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