Quotes from Lost Souls

Poppy Z. Brite ·  355 pages

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“If you want something, you don't wait for the world to deal it out for you. You take it.”
― Poppy Z. Brite, quote from Lost Souls

“The sky is purple, the flare of a match behind a cupped hand is gold; the liquor is green, bright green, made from a thousand herbs, made from altars. Those who know enough to drink Chartreuse at Mardi Gras are lucky, because the distilled essence of the town burns in their bellies. Chartreuse glows in the dark, and if you drink enough of it, your eyes will turn bright green.”
― Poppy Z. Brite, quote from Lost Souls

“Stare at him," said Ghost. "They won't bite you if you keep staring at them."

Steve backed away. "They bite?"

Not really. They hiss at you, mostly. The only time geese are ever dangerous is when you happen to be standing on the edge of a cliff. I heard about a guy that almost got killed that way."

By geese?"

Yeah, there was a whole flock of them coming after him. All hissing and cackling and stabbing at his ankles with their big ol' beaks. He didn't know you had to stare them right in the eye, and he panicked. They backed him right over a fifty-foot cliff."

So how come he didn't die?"

This guy had wings," said Ghost. "He flew away.”
― Poppy Z. Brite, quote from Lost Souls

“Let the night come. We are not afraid.”
― Poppy Z. Brite, quote from Lost Souls

“No", said a voice from the dark doorway. A weary voice, a voice for speaking long after midnight, a voice to be used when all paths are blocked, when castles have fallen to ruins, when morning will not come again.”
― Poppy Z. Brite, quote from Lost Souls

“in until ten, not even on Mardi Gras nights. No one except the girl in the black silk dress, the thin little girl with the short, soft dark hair that fell in a curtain across her eyes. Christian always wanted to brush it away from her face, to feel it trickle through his fingers like rain. Tonight, as usual, she slipped in at nine-thirty and looked around for the friends who were never there. The wind blew the French Quarter in behind her, the night air rippling warm down Chartres Street as it slipped away toward the river, smelling of spice and fried oysters and whiskey and the dust of ancient bones stolen and violated.”
― Poppy Z. Brite, quote from Lost Souls

About the author

Poppy Z. Brite
Born place: in New Orleans, Louisiana, The United States
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