“Memory is fiction. We select the brightest and the darkest, ignoring what we are ashamed of, and so embroider the broad tapestry of our lives.”
― Isabel Allende, quote from Portrait in Sepia
“La verdadera amistad resiste el tiempo, la distancia y el silencio.”
― Isabel Allende, quote from Portrait in Sepia
“I seek truth and beauty in the transparency of an autumn leaf, in the perfect form of a seashell on the beach, in the curve of a woman's back, in the texture of an ancient tree trunk, but also in the elusive forms of reality.”
― Isabel Allende, quote from Portrait in Sepia
“Each of us chooses the tone for telling his or her own story. I would like to choose the durable clarity of a platinum print, but nothing in my destiny possesses the luminosity. I live among diffuse shadings, veiled mysteries, uncertainties; the tone of telling my life is closer to that of a portrait in sepia.”
― Isabel Allende, quote from Portrait in Sepia
“لا شيء مجاني في هذا العالم، فمقابل هذه التفاهات ستدفع ثمنًا غاليًا جدًا.”
― Isabel Allende, quote from Portrait in Sepia
“التصوير والكتابة هما محاولة للإمساك باللحظات قبل أن تتلاشى .”
― Isabel Allende, quote from Portrait in Sepia
“La memoria imprime en blanco y negro, los grises se pierden por el camino.”
― Isabel Allende, quote from Portrait in Sepia
“- أنت تستحقين أكثر من أي كائن آخر أن تكوني سعيدة
- ومن قال لك إنني أرغب في أن أكون سعيدة ؟ هذا هو آخر نعت يخطر لي أن استخدمه لأصف المستقبل الذي أتطلع إليه. أريد حياة مشوقة، مغامرة، مختلفة، حماسية، أو أي صفة أخرى قبل أن تكون سعيدة.”
― Isabel Allende, quote from Portrait in Sepia
“لا يكسب من يملك الحق، وإنّما من يحسن المساومة.”
― Isabel Allende, quote from Portrait in Sepia
“لا يحتاج المرء إلى موهبة ليكون فنانًا، إنه بحاجة إلى الجرأة فقط.”
― Isabel Allende, quote from Portrait in Sepia
“I try desperately to conquer the transitory nature of my existence, to trap moments before they evenesce, to untangle the confusion of my past. Every instant disappears in a breath and immediately becomes the past; reality is ephemeral and changing, pure longing.”
― Isabel Allende, quote from Portrait in Sepia
“Every time I asked a question, that magnificent teacher, instead of giving the answer, showed me how to find it. She taught me to organise my thoughts, to do research, to read and listen, to seek alternatives, to resolve old problems with new solutions, to argue logically. Above all, she taught me not to believe anything blindly, to doubt, and to question even what seemed irrefutably true, such as man's superiority over woman, or one race or social class over another.”
― Isabel Allende, quote from Portrait in Sepia
“النَّاس لا يريدون صدقات، بل يريدون كسب عيشهم بكرامة.”
― Isabel Allende, quote from Portrait in Sepia
“القتل يُكلّف قليلًا ، أما البقاء على قيد الحياة فهو الذي يُكلّف يا بُنيّ .”
― Isabel Allende, quote from Portrait in Sepia
“write with honesty and don't worry about the feelings of others, because no matter what you say, they'll hate you anyway.”
― Isabel Allende, quote from Portrait in Sepia
“The most savory grape, the one that produces the wines with best texture and aroma, the sweetest and most generous, doesn't grow in rich soil but in stony land; the plant, with a mother's obstinacy, overcomes obstacles to thrust its roots deep into the ground and take advantage of every drop of water. That, my grandmother explained to me, is how flavors are concentrated in the grape.”
― Isabel Allende, quote from Portrait in Sepia
“Si fuera capaz de exteriorizar mis sentimientos, tal vez sufriría menos, pero se me quedan atorados adentro, como un inmenso bloque de hielo y pueden pasar años antes que el hielo empiece a derretirse.”
― Isabel Allende, quote from Portrait in Sepia
“كل واحد يختار درجة اللون كي يحكي قصّته الخاصة؛ و بودّي أن اختار الوضوح الدائم لصورة مطبوعة بالبلاتين .. لكن ما من شيء في قدري يملك هذه الخاصّية المضيئة ؛أعيش بين صبغات باهتة وألغاز مخفيّة و عدم يقين .. واللون المناسب لرواية حياتي ينطبق أكثر مع لون صورة حائلة صورة "بالسبيا" .”
― Isabel Allende, quote from Portrait in Sepia
“No existe luz sin sombra, tal como no existe dicha sin dolor.”
― Isabel Allende, quote from Portrait in Sepia
“Cada uno escoge el tono para contar su propia historia; quisiera optar por la claridad durable de una impresión en platino, pero nada en mi destino posee esa luminosa cualidad. Vivo entre difusos matices, velados misterios, incertidumbres; el tono para contar mi vida se ajusta más al de un retrato en sepia...”
― Isabel Allende, quote from Portrait in Sepia
“Esos desaires no me quitan el sueño: no tengo que agradar a todo el mundo, sólo a quienes en verdad me importan, que no son muchos.”
― Isabel Allende, quote from Portrait in Sepia
“كانت صديقة الشحاذين وموسيقيي الشوارع؛ وتنفق أموالها على الترهات والصدقات .. كانت تقول لنفسها وهي تعدّ تجاعيدها بسعادة :ما من محرر مثل العمر .”
― Isabel Allende, quote from Portrait in Sepia
“The advantage of being lovers is that we have to work hard at our relationship, because everything conspires to drive us apart. Our decision to be together has to be renewed again and again; that keeps us on our toes.”
― Isabel Allende, quote from Portrait in Sepia
“Cada instante desaparece en un soplo y al punto se convierte en pasado, la realidad es efímera y migratoria, pura añoranza”
― Isabel Allende, quote from Portrait in Sepia
“Mediante la fotografía y la palabra escrita intento desesperadamente vencer la condición fugaz de mi existencia, atrapar los momentos antes de que se desvanezcan, despejar la confusión de mi pasado.”
― Isabel Allende, quote from Portrait in Sepia
“If what you want is the effect of painting, then paint, Aurora. If what you want is truth, learn to use your camera," he would say again and again”
― Isabel Allende, quote from Portrait in Sepia
“La Lowell wanted nothing; she lived for the day, unfettered, free, fearless; she wasn't afraid of poverty, loneliness, or infirmity. She accepted everything with good grace; for her, life was an entertaining voyage that inevitably led to old age and death. There was no point in accumulating wealth since in the end, she maintained, we all go to the grave in our birthday suit.”
― Isabel Allende, quote from Portrait in Sepia
“لا تتصوّر كم أحسد الرجال من أمثالك؛ والعالم مسرح لهم”
― Isabel Allende, quote from Portrait in Sepia
“ليس هناك فقر اسوأ من فقر الأثرياء المفلسين؛ لأن عليهم أن يتظاهروا بما لايملكون”
― Isabel Allende, quote from Portrait in Sepia
“لأن أباها كان يؤمن بأن الجهل هو الضمانة لخضوع النساء والفقراء .. وكانت تعرف بمشقة مبادىء الكتابة والحساب ، فهي لم تقرأ كتابًا واحدًافي حياتها وتحسب عمليات الجمع على أصابعها - لم تكن تطرح قط - ولكن كل ماتلمسه يداها يتحول إلى ثروة ؛
ترددت على البيت مجموعة من المعلمين ؛كان عدد منهم كهنة مستعدين لتعليمي مقابل المنح السخيّة التي تقدمها جدتي لجمعياتهم الدينية .. وقد كنت محظوظة إذ تعاملوا معي بتساهل ؛لأنهم ماكانوا ينتظرون من دماغي أن يستوعب مثل أدمغة الذكور .. أما ( دون خوان ريبيرو ) بالمقابل فكان يطالبني بالمزيد لأن على المرأة كما قال " أن تبذل من الجهد أكثر ألف مرة مما يبذله الرجل لتحرز مكانة فكرية أو فنية " .”
― Isabel Allende, quote from Portrait in Sepia
“There were the endless birthday nights and New Year's Eves of just you in your bed and no one else. There was the welling up at weddings, the glittery eye-prick, when all the couples would get up to dance. Sometimes it felt like your heart was crazed with cracks like your grandmother's old saucers. Sometimes the sight of a Saturday afternoon couple laughing in a park would splinter it completely.”
― Nikki Gemmell, quote from The Bride Stripped Bare
“Karl Marx, Amaya liked to say, was the last great philosopher of the coal age; his workers were locked into a serflike condition. Had Marx witnessed the industrial explosion of the Oil Century and the rising standard of living it produced among ordinary workers, he might have written differently.”
― David Halberstam, quote from The Fifties
“If we had better hearing, and could discern the descants of sea birds, the rhythmic tympani of schools of mollusks, or even the distant harmonics of midges hanging over meadows in the sun, the combined sound might lift us off our feet.”
― Lewis Thomas, quote from The Lives of a Cell: Notes of a Biology Watcher
“Whatever Americans fondly believe, their government has always had its fingers in the economic pie. What distinguishes the USA from every other developed country has been the widespread belief to the contrary.”
― Tony Judt, quote from Ill Fares the Land
“Long looking with admiration produces change. From your heroes you pick up mannerisms and phrases and tones of voice and facial expressions and habits and demeanors and convictions and beliefs. The more admirable the hero is and the more intense your admiration is, the more profound will be your transformation. In the case of Jesus, he is infinitely admirable, and our admiration rises to the most absolute worship. Therefore, when we behold him as we should, the change is profound.”
― John Piper, quote from God Is the Gospel: Meditations on God's Love as the Gift of Himself
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