Quotes from I Know This Much Is True

Wally Lamb ·  897 pages

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“I am not a smart man, particularly, but one day, at long last, I stumbled from the dark woods of my own, and my family's, and my country's past, holding in my hands these truths: that love grows from the rich loam of forgiveness; that mongrels make good dogs; that the evidence of God exists in the roundness of things. This much, at least, I've figured out. I know this much is true.”
― Wally Lamb, quote from I Know This Much Is True

“But what are our stories if not the mirrors we hold up to our fears?”
― Wally Lamb, quote from I Know This Much Is True

“Power, wrongly used, defeats the oppressor as well as the oppressed.”
― Wally Lamb, quote from I Know This Much Is True

“I walked over and looked closer at the statue of the goddess. She was wearing a headdress with a skull and a cobra and a crescent moon. Maybe this is what peace of mind was all about: having a poisonous snake on your head and smiling anyway. ”
― Wally Lamb, quote from I Know This Much Is True

“It is all connected Dominick," she said. "Life is not a series of isolated ponds & puddles; life is this river you see below, before you. It flows from the past through the present on it's way to the future.”
― Wally Lamb, quote from I Know This Much Is True

“-- that books were mirrors, reflective in sometimes unpredictable ways.”
― Wally Lamb, quote from I Know This Much Is True

“I needed her to stop. Needed not to hear the pain in her voice--to see the way she was twisting the pocketbook strap. If she kept talking, she might break down and tell me everything.”
― Wally Lamb, quote from I Know This Much Is True

“Love grows from the rich foam of forgiveness, mongrels make good dogs, and the evidence of God exists in the roundness of things.”
― Wally Lamb, quote from I Know This Much Is True

“That's the trouble with survival of the fittest, isn't it, Dominick? The corpse at your feet. That little inconvenience.”
― Wally Lamb, quote from I Know This Much Is True

“Take what people give you. Drink their milkshakes.”
― Wally Lamb, quote from I Know This Much Is True

“That was the big joke, wasn't it? The answer to the riddle: There was no one up there in Heaven, making sure the accounts came out right. I'd solved it, hadn't I? Cracked the code? It was all just a joke. The god inside my brother's head was just his disease. My mother had knelt every night and prayed to her own steepled hands. Your baby died because of ... because of no particular reason at all. Your wife left you because you sucked all the oxygen out of the room, so you pretended she was the one in bed with you while you screwed your girlfriend and her boyfriend hid in the closet, watching.”
― Wally Lamb, quote from I Know This Much Is True

“If I could just write it down in a piece of paper, then maybe she could get a decent night's sleep, eat a little of her dinner. Maybe she could have a minute's worth of peace.”
― Wally Lamb, quote from I Know This Much Is True

“Joy said she hadn't really understood the meaning of life until Tyffanie had come along, but now she understood it perfectly. Well, great, I felt like saying. Make sure you share the news with Plato and Kierkegaard and all those other philosophers who'd banged their heads against the wall, trying to figure things out.”
― Wally Lamb, quote from I Know This Much Is True

“If your twin was dead, were you still a twin?”
― Wally Lamb, quote from I Know This Much Is True

“what are out stories if not the mirrors we hold up to our fears?”
― Wally Lamb, quote from I Know This Much Is True

“I didn't respond to him. Couldn't speak at all. Couldn't look at his self-mutilation--not even the clean, bandaged version of it. Instead, I looked at my own rough, stained house painter's hand. They seemed more like puppets than hands. I had no feelings in it either.”
― Wally Lamb, quote from I Know This Much Is True

“The point is this: that the stream of memory may lead you to the river of understanding. And understanding, in turn, may be a tributary to the river of forgiveness.”
― Wally Lamb, quote from I Know This Much Is True

“I stumbled from the dark woods of my own, and my family's, and my country's past, holding in my hands these truths: that love grows from the rich loam of forgiveness; that mongrels make good dogs; that the evidence of God exists in the roundness of things.”
― Wally Lamb, quote from I Know This Much Is True

“You are a steward of the pain and injustices people have visited upon you. Or, if you prefer we could call you a scrupulous coroner.”
― Wally Lamb, quote from I Know This Much Is True

“When you're the sane brother of a schizophrenic identical twin, the tricky thing about saving yourself is the blood it leaves on your hands--the little inconvenience of the look-alike corpse at your feet. And if you're into both survival of the fittest and being your brother's keeper--if you've promised your dying mother--then say so long to sleep and hello to the middle of the night. Grab a book or a beer. Get used to Letterman's gap-toothed smile of the absurd, or the view of the bedroom ceiling, or the indifference of random selection. Take it from a godless insomniac. Take it from the uncrazy twin--the guy who beat the biochemical rap.”
― Wally Lamb, quote from I Know This Much Is True

“The World is a very old place, so you'll never be able to tell a completely original story”
― Wally Lamb, quote from I Know This Much Is True

“That's the problem with survival of the fittest ... the corpse at your fett. That little inconvenience.”
― Wally Lamb, quote from I Know This Much Is True

“I learned that there are two young men lost in the woods. Not one. Two....I may never find one of the young men....He has been gone so long. The odds, I'm afraid may be against it. But as for the other, I may have better luck. The other young man may be calling me.”
― Wally Lamb, quote from I Know This Much Is True

“What are you asking God for?” I joked. “A million dollars? Two million?” “I’m not asking Him for anything,” he said. “I’m thanking Him for good food and wine, good health and famiglia.”
― Wally Lamb, quote from I Know This Much Is True

“Bless me, Father, for I have sinned,” I repeated. “But never as much as I have been sinned against!”
― Wally Lamb, quote from I Know This Much Is True

“So, you are not so much interested in exploring your feelings about Joy's betrayal. Or the failure of your relationship. You are merely giving me a tour of the museum.'
'The museum? ... I don't follow you.'
'Your museum of pain. Your sanctuary of justifiable indignation.'
'I, uh...'
'We all superintend such a place, I suppose,' she said, 'although some of us are more painstaking curators than others. That is the category in which I would certainly put you, Dominick. You are a meticulous steward of the pain and injustices people have visited upon you.”
― Wally Lamb, quote from I Know This Much Is True

“It is the firstborn’s burden to unravel the knots that younger brothers make.”
― Wally Lamb, quote from I Know This Much Is True

“Life is not a series of isolated ponds and puddles; life is this river you below, before you. It flows from the past through the present on its way to the future.”
― Wally Lamb, quote from I Know This Much Is True

About the author

Wally Lamb
Born place: in Norwich, Connecticut, The United States
Born date October 17, 1950
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