Quotes from Warcross

Marie Lu ·  368 pages

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“Every locked door has a key. Every problem has a solution.”
― Marie Lu, quote from Warcross

“Everything's science fiction until someone makes it science fact”
― Marie Lu, quote from Warcross

“Everyone has a different way of escaping the dark stillness of their mind.”
― Marie Lu, quote from Warcross

“It is hard to describe loss to someone who has never experienced it, impossible to explain all the ways it changes you. But for those who have, not a single word is needed.”
― Marie Lu, quote from Warcross

“But sometimes, people kick you to the ground at recess because they think the shape of your eyes is funny. They lunge at you because they see a vulnerable body. Or a different skin color. Or a different name. Or a girl. They think that you won't hit back - that you'll just lower your eyes and hide. And sometimes, to protect yourself, to make it go away, you do.

But sometimes, you find yourself standing in exactly the right position, wielding exactly the right weapon to hit back.”
― Marie Lu, quote from Warcross

“But beauty can make people forgive a thousand cruelties.”
― Marie Lu, quote from Warcross

“When you refuse to ask for help, it tells others that they also shouldn’t ask for help from you. That you look down on them for needing your help. That you like feeling superior to them. It’s an insult, Emi, to your friends and peers. So don’t be like that. Let us in.”
― Marie Lu, quote from Warcross

“They believe that objects have souls. The more love you put into one, the more beautiful it becomes.”
― Marie Lu, quote from Warcross

“And the book (#7) is for whenever the hunt involves a lot of waiting around. Entertainment that won't eat up my batteries is always worth bringing.”
― Marie Lu, quote from Warcross

“What’s the point of freedom if you’re just living in a miserable reality?”
― Marie Lu, quote from Warcross

“But sometimes, you find yourself standing in exactly the right position, wielding exactly the right weapon to hit back.”
― Marie Lu, quote from Warcross

“Zooming in on it only makes it blurrier.”
― Marie Lu, quote from Warcross

“They think that you won't hit back - that you'll just lower your eyes and hide. And sometimes, to protect yourself, to make it go away, you do. But sometimes, you find yourself standing in exactly the right position, wielding exactly the right weapon to hit back. So I hit. I hit fast and hard and furious. I hit with nothing but the language whispered between circuits and wire, the language that can bring people to their knees.”
― Marie Lu, quote from Warcross

“She was so beautiful. But beauty can make people forgive a thousand cruelties.”
― Marie Lu, quote from Warcross

“You have to learn to look at the whole of something, not just the parts.”
― Marie Lu, quote from Warcross

“I think of Zero’s surprised voice, his anger as he faced me in the final game, the way he’d stolen my Memories. The way he’d returned them. Everyone has a price, he’d said. Name yours.”
― Marie Lu, quote from Warcross

“Hideo wants me off the official games and the hunt. Zero has warned me to stay away. But I've never been good at following instructions. I'm a bounty hunter. And if my bounty's still out there somewhere, I have to finish this.”
― Marie Lu, quote from Warcross

“Maybe they think I'm a danger to you."
He smiles as he reaches me. "And are you?"
"I try to restrain myself," I answer, returning his smile.”
― Marie Lu, quote from Warcross

“His gaze lingers on me for a beat longer. "Have you eaten yet?"
Is he asking me to dinner? "No," I say, trying to stay casual.
He takes a dark gray peacoat off the back of a chair and pulls it on. Then he tilts his head over toward the door. "Join me.”
― Marie Lu, quote from Warcross

“Everything’s science fiction until someone makes it science fact,”
― Marie Lu, quote from Warcross

“When you refuse to ask for help, it tells others that they also shouldn't ask for help from you. That you look down on them for needing your help. That you like feeling superior to them.”
― Marie Lu, quote from Warcross

“Every locked door has a key”
― Marie Lu, quote from Warcross

“Think badass thoughts, I tell myself.”
― Marie Lu, quote from Warcross

“Everyone pays lip service to world peace. They use it as a pretty answer to pointless questions, to make themselves sound good.”
― Marie Lu, quote from Warcross

About the author

Marie Lu
Born place: in Wuxi, China
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