Quotes from The Future of Us

Jay Asher ·  356 pages

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“How can you call it love when it hurt you so badly?"

"It was love because it was worth it.”
― Jay Asher, quote from The Future of Us

“When the right moment appears, the key is to not let it pass.”
― Jay Asher, quote from The Future of Us

“I've always protected myself when it comes to love. And maybe that's the problem. By not letting myself get hurt now, it ripples into much bigger pain later.”
― Jay Asher, quote from The Future of Us

“If I had a chance with him, I missed it. No, I didn't miss it. I threw it away.”
― Jay Asher, quote from The Future of Us

“Why does it say she has three hundred and twenty friends?" Josh asks. "Who has that many friends?”
― Jay Asher, quote from The Future of Us

“They were like two magnets who couldn't decide whether to attract or repel.”
― Jay Asher, quote from The Future of Us

“What the hell happened to Pluto?!”
― Jay Asher, quote from The Future of Us

“People grow apart, and sometimes, there nothing anyone can do about it.”
― Jay Asher, quote from The Future of Us

“Rejection always hurts, but having it come from my best friend was the worst.”
― Jay Asher, quote from The Future of Us

“You need to figure out what you want, Josh. If that means you need to swim against the tide to get it, at least youre aiming for something that could make you very happy.”
― Jay Asher, quote from The Future of Us

“Yes, it feels great to plan your life when you believe everything can turn out fine. But what about when you're shown, again and again, how little control you have over anything? No matter what I do to try to fix my future, it doesn't work.”
― Jay Asher, quote from The Future of Us

“Emma:“He broke your heart! How can you call it love when he
hurt you so badly?”
Kellan:“It was love
because it was worth it.”
― Jay Asher, quote from The Future of Us

“I don't know exactly what it is, but it looks like interconnected websites where people show their photos and write about everything going on in their lives, like whether they found a parking spot or what they ate for breakfast."

"But why?" Josh asks.”
― Jay Asher, quote from The Future of Us

“One little ripple started today could create a typhoon fifteen years from now.”
― Jay Asher, quote from The Future of Us

“You know how I feel about love. It was invented to sell wedding cakes. And vacations to Waikiki.”
― Jay Asher, quote from The Future of Us

“Josh will begin disappearing into a future where the only place he and I remain friends is on the Internet.”
― Jay Asher, quote from The Future of Us

“Why would anyone say this stuff about themselves on the Internet? It's crazy!”
― Jay Asher, quote from The Future of Us

“And here he is again, yet things feel like they'll never be as easy between us as they once were.”
― Jay Asher, quote from The Future of Us

“I swear, guys in groups are capable of the stupidest things."
"Like war," Kellan says, heaping napkins and ketchup packets onto her tray.
"And jumping off rooftops."
"And lighting their farts on fire," she says.”
― Jay Asher, quote from The Future of Us

“Josh turns to me. “I can’t believe she’s writing these things.” “Not she,” I say. “Me.” “Why would anyone say this stuff about themselves on the Internet? It’s crazy!” “Exactly,” I say. “I’m going to be mentally ill in fifteen years, and that’s why my husband doesn’t want to be around me.”
― Jay Asher, quote from The Future of Us

“And what if in the future we're at war again, or we still haven't elected a non-white or non-male president, or the Rolling Stones are still dragging their tired old butts on stage? That would depress me way too much.”
― Jay Asher, quote from The Future of Us

“I didn't humiliate him by pointing it out because that's not how you treat friends. You don't judge them. You don't humiliate them. I bet he's been judging me all along.”
― Jay Asher, quote from The Future of Us

“Trust me, not every girl would give up his sweatshirt just because a girl asks.”
― Jay Asher, quote from The Future of Us

“Those are some strong currents you're swimming against.”
― Jay Asher, quote from The Future of Us

“There are also the people too bizarre to ignore, like Kyle Simpson. Future male stripper.”
― Jay Asher, quote from The Future of Us

“I tried getting my dad to buy me a beeper for my birthday,” he says, “but he thinks only doctors and drug dealers need them.”
― Jay Asher, quote from The Future of Us

“With her fingers running back up my arms, and all this sperm talk, things are getting a little too intense down below. I lean slightly forward, conveniently placing my forearms across my lap.”
― Jay Asher, quote from The Future of Us

“She smiles and hugs him goodbye, her hand lingering on the small of his back. They are definitely going to have sex.”
― Jay Asher, quote from The Future of Us

“Good for her, I guess. Cody's a conceited dick, but whatever makes her happy.”
― Jay Asher, quote from The Future of Us

“As she does, she turns her hand over, lacing her fingers into mine. For as many nerve endings as I thought I had in my hand, I now realize there are a hundred times more.”
― Jay Asher, quote from The Future of Us

About the author

Jay Asher
Born place: in Arcadia, California, The United States
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