Quotes from The Change

Teyla Branton ·  354 pages

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“Then again, only one person had tried to murder me since my arrival, and”
― Teyla Branton, quote from The Change

“I wasn’t imagining his hands running over my body. I wasn’t. There”
― Teyla Branton, quote from The Change

“What a messed up world I’d stumbled into, where friends were betrayers and the enemy was the one who was sorry. Where friends lied and the enemy told the truth.”
― Teyla Branton, quote from The Change

“Being Unbounded didn’t mean I was better; it meant I had the responsibility to help and protect those who weren’t as strong.”
― Teyla Branton, quote from The Change

“wasn’t every day I had to inform people I wasn’t actually dead.”
― Teyla Branton, quote from The Change

“Too young. When did I start thinking of a hundred and ten as being young?”
― Teyla Branton, quote from The Change

“Well, I suppose there could be worse ways to die than cradled in a coffin full of sweet gelatin. I”
― Teyla Branton, quote from The Change

“The next thing I knew, I was being rolled into a cavernous”
― Teyla Branton, quote from The Change

“Well, I suppose there could be worse ways to die than cradled in a coffin full of sweet gelatin. I gave up fighting and let my right eye close.”
― Teyla Branton, quote from The Change

“I’d been wrong. Oh, so wrong! I”
― Teyla Branton, quote from The Change

“Take my advice, though, and don’t back down. Fight for what you want. Even if it’s not important.”
― Teyla Branton, quote from The Change

“The greatest revenge we will have is to go about our lives, raising our children, and finding happiness wherever we can.”
― Teyla Branton, quote from The Change

About the author

Teyla Branton
Born place: in Provo, The United States
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