Quotes from The Biggest Secret: The Book That Will Change the World

David Icke ·  517 pages

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“When we give our minds and our responsibility away, we give our lives away. If enough of us do it, we give the world away and that is precisely what we have been doing throughout known human history. This is why the few have always controlled the masses. The only difference today is that the few are now manipulating the entire planet because of the globalisation of business, banking and communications. The foundation of that control has always been the same : keep the people in ignorance, fear and at war with themselves,. Divide, rule and conquer while keeping the most important knowledge to yourself.”
― David Icke, quote from The Biggest Secret: The Book That Will Change the World

“إن لائحة تقنيات السيطرة على الأدمغة طويلة.و هم يريدون عقلك لأنهم عندما يحصلون عليه،يحصلون عليك.و يكمن الحل في أن نسترد عقولنا،و أن نفكر بأنفسنا و لأنفسنا،و أن نسمح للآخرين بأن يفعلوا مثلنا من دون أن نخشى السخرية أو الإدانة بجرم الإختلاف عن الآخرين.إذا لم نفعل ذلك،فالبرنامج الذي سأشرحه لاحقا سينفّذ،إنما إذا أستعدنا السيطرة على عقولنا و أستردينا سلطتنا على تفكيرنا،فلن ينفذ البرنامج لأن أسسه لن تكون موجودة”
― David Icke, quote from The Biggest Secret: The Book That Will Change the World

“La connaissance est neutre , mais elle peut être utilisée avec de bonnes ou de mauvaises intentions.”
― David Icke, quote from The Biggest Secret: The Book That Will Change the World

“Don’t work for your mind, make your mind work for you.”
― David Icke, quote from The Biggest Secret: The Book That Will Change the World

“Tout est énergie. La vie est l'interaction de champs magnétiques vibratoires. Changez le magnétisme et vous changez la nature du champ énergétique. Changez le champ énergétique et vous changez la nature de la vie mentale, émotionnelle, spirituelle et physique, laquelle est la même énergie sous différentes formes.”
― David Icke, quote from The Biggest Secret: The Book That Will Change the World

“It is important to realise that two conflicting statements can both be equally true depending on the level from which you observe the same situation.”
― David Icke, quote from The Biggest Secret: The Book That Will Change the World

“Whenever you have two groups who think violence is an option they are a vibrational confrontation waiting to happen.”
― David Icke, quote from The Biggest Secret: The Book That Will Change the World

“The Internal Revenue Service which collects taxation in America is also a private company, though the public believe it is part of their government. In 1863 the Bureau of Internal Revenue was formed to collect taxation, but in 1933, that year again, came the start of another coup on the American people. Three members of the Prescott Bush circle, Helen and Clifton Barton and Hector Echeverria, formed the Internal Revenue Tax and Audit Service, registered in Delaware, America’s flag of convenience state, where few questions are asked. Prescott Bush was the father of George Bush. In 1936, this organisation changed its name to the Internal Revenue Service and ran as a private company. In 1953, the original Bureau of Internal Revenue was disbanded, leaving the private Internal Revenue Service to collect all the taxes, illegal taxes most of them, too. This is controlled by the same people who own the Federal Reserve and the Virginia Company and it is bleeding America dry. The Internal Revenue Service was, appropriately, created by American Nazis who were funding Adolf Hitler under the coordination of Prescott Bush, George’s father.”
― David Icke, quote from The Biggest Secret: The Book That Will Change the World

“Si je veux que vous me donniez le pouvoir et que vous me supportiez lors d'une élection, est-ce que je dois vous dire ce que vous voulez entendre ou vous dire ce que vous ne voulez pas entendre ?”
― David Icke, quote from The Biggest Secret: The Book That Will Change the World

“L'écriture automatique, c'est lorsque votre bras et votre main sont guidées par une autre force, et bien souvent personne n'est plus étonné de ce qui est écrit que la personne qui écrit.”
― David Icke, quote from The Biggest Secret: The Book That Will Change the World

“What we call society is the sum total of human thinking and feeling. It is a reflection of our attitudes. When we change them, we change society. We are only a change of mind away from real freedom, the freedom to express our God-given uniqueness and celebrate the diversity of gifts, perceptions and inspiration that exist within the collective human psyche. The creative force is within us all and desperate to express itself.”
― David Icke, quote from The Biggest Secret: The Book That Will Change the World

“Vous prêtez de l'argent aux deux antagonistes afin de financer la guerre, et vous leur prêtez encore plus pour la reconstruction de leurs pays dévastés. Ils deviennent endettésface à vous (contrôle) et vous augmentez votre richesse (pouvoir).”
― David Icke, quote from The Biggest Secret: The Book That Will Change the World

“Zionism is not the Jewish people, it is a political movement. Many Jews do not support it, many non-Jews do. To say that Zionism is the Jewish people is like saying the Democratic Party is the American people. Yet to challenge the extremes of Zionism is to be called anti-Semitic or anti-Jewish.”
― David Icke, quote from The Biggest Secret: The Book That Will Change the World

“It was the Rothschilds who funded the early ‘Jewish’ settlers in Palestine; it was the Rothschilds who helped to create and fund Hitler and the Nazis in the Second World War which included the sickening treatment of Jews, gypsies, communists, and others; it was the Rothschilds who used the understandable post-war sympathy for the ‘Jews’ they had mercilessly exploited to press through their demands for a take-over of Arab Palestine; it was the Rothschilds who funded the ‘Jewish’ terrorist groups in Palestine which bombed, murdered, and terrorised Israel into existence; and it was the Rothschilds who funded and manipulated these terrorists into the key positions in Israel, among them the Prime Ministers, Ben-Gurion, Shamir, Begin, and Rabin. These men would spend the rest of their lives condemning the terrorism of others with an hypocrisy which beggars belief; it was Lord Victor Rothschild, the controller of British Intelligence, who provided the know-how for Israel’s nuclear weapons; it was the Rothschilds who owned and controlled Israel from the start and have continued ever since to dictate its policy; it was the Rothschilds and the rest of the Brotherhood network which has hidden and suppressed the fact, confirmed by Jewish historians, that the overwhelming majority of ‘Jewish’ people in Israel originate genetically from the Caucasus Mountains, not from the lands they now occupy. The Jewish people have been sacrificed on the Rothschild altar of greed and lust for power, but even the Rothschilds take their orders from a higher authority which, I believe, is probably based in Asia, and the Far East dictates to the operational headquarters in London.”
― David Icke, quote from The Biggest Secret: The Book That Will Change the World

“An example is to say on one hand that this world is imperfect and on the other that everything that happens on the Earth is perfection. How can both be true? Well they are. From the perspective of everyday life, the world is not perfect. We have wars, hunger, disease, unhappiness and pain of all kinds. That’s true. But from the perspective of the evolution of humanity everything is perfect. That’s equally true. The only way we can evolve is by learning from experience and that means experiencing the consequences of our thoughts and actions. If there were no unpleasant consequences for our actions, how could we possibly learn and evolve to higher levels of understanding?”
― David Icke, quote from The Biggest Secret: The Book That Will Change the World

“Another thing to watch. The Brotherhood name organisations in a way that leads people to believe their aim is the opposite of what they are really there to do. For instance, if you want to run drugs without being suspected, do it through an anti-drug agency. If you want to destroy land and kill wildlife, do it through a wildlife protection agency. If you want to run a Satanic ring, do it through the Christian Church.”
― David Icke, quote from The Biggest Secret: The Book That Will Change the World

“I have seen countless people say they want to transform themselves and their lives and tune into the new vibration. But when the challenges have come, which are necessary to make that happen, they want out immediately and go back to life as before. Yet these challenges set us free. The reason we face personal and emotional mayhem when we start this journey is because of the need to clean out our emotional cesspit of suppressed and unprocessed emotional debris that we have pushed deep into our subconscious because we don’t want to deal with it. If we don’t clear the emotional gunge of this and other physical lifetimes, we can’t reconnect with our multidimensional self. We can’t be free of the reptilian manipulation and control from the lower fourth dimension. So when we say we intend to transform, that intent draws to us the people and experiences necessary to bring that suppressed emotion to the surface where we can see it and deal with it. The same is happening collectively as the information presented in this book comes into the light of public attention, so we can see it, address it and heal it. Much of the New Age is in denial of this collective cesspit because it doesn’t want to face its own personal cesspit. It would rather sit around a candle and kid itself it is enlightened while, in fact, it is an emotional wreck with a crystal in its hand. The information in this book is part of the healing of Planet Earth and the human consciousness as the veil lifts on all that has remained hidden and denied. Hey, this is a wonderful time we’re living through here. We are tuning to the cosmic dance, the wind of change, the rhythm of reconnection with all that is, has been, or ever will be. You have come to make a difference, for yourself and for the world. You have the opportunity to do that now, now, now. Grasp it and let’s end this nonsense. A few can only control billions because the billions let it happen. We don’t have to. And we can change it just by being ourselves, allowing other people to be themselves, and enjoying the gift of life. This is not a time to fear and it’s not a time to hide. It is a time to sing and a time to dance.”
― David Icke, quote from The Biggest Secret: The Book That Will Change the World

“In 1946, Bertrand Russell, a friend of Einstein, said it was necessary to use the fear of nuclear weapons to force all nations to give up their sovereignty and submit to the dictatorship of the United Nations.11”
― David Icke, quote from The Biggest Secret: The Book That Will Change the World

“St Germain, now a ‘messiah’ figure to many New Agers, was a friend of William of Hesse-Hanau, and his brother, Karl. Apparently, Karl wrote that Germain, an alchemist and magician, had been raised by the de Medici (Black Nobility) family in Italy.8 Many New Agers today talk about the Great White Brotherhood of ‘master souls’, including Germain, who are communicating ‘guidance’ to channellers about the coming transformation. This is yet another mind control operation by the Brotherhood to misdirect and imprison the more extreme of the New Age mentality and to stop it getting off its collective arse (and the ceiling) and so making a real difference.”
― David Icke, quote from The Biggest Secret: The Book That Will Change the World

“Two organisations spawned by Alice Bailey’s work, the Lucis Trust (formerly the Lucifer Trust) and the World Goodwill Organisation, are both staunch promoters of the United Nations. They are almost UN ‘groupies’, such is their devotion. It is interesting to see how the New Age has inherited ‘truths’ over the decades in the same way that conventional religion has done over the centuries. As the followers of Christianity have inherited the manipulated version of Jesus, so New Agers have inherited the Masters. There is too little checking of origins, too much acceptance of inherited belief, I think. Certainly there is with the Masters and Blavatsky’s Great White Brotherhood because she admitted in correspondence with her sister, that she had made up their names by using the nicknames of the Rosicrucians and Freemasons who were funding her. Yet today all over the world there are hundreds of thousands (at least) of New Age ‘channellers’ who claim to be communicating with these Masters and with the Archangel Michael who is an ancient deity of the Phoenicians. If the New Age isn’t careful, it will be Christianity revisited. It is already becoming so. I believe that the concept of Masters can be a means through which those who have rejected the status quo of religion and science can still have their minds controlled.”
― David Icke, quote from The Biggest Secret: The Book That Will Change the World

About the author

David Icke
Born place: in Leiceister, The United Kingdom
Born date April 29, 1952
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