Quotes from Nexis

A.L. Davroe ·  412 pages

Rating: (324 votes)

“In a flurry of sharp brocade coattails and gossamer gowns cut in the Neo-Baroque fashion, the crowd turns back to their conversations, the perfect epitome of what all Aristocrats are like—bored and quickly dissatisfied with the latest trends.”
― A.L. Davroe, quote from Nexis

“His fingers tighten, drawing my leg open so that ours knees touch and he leans closer to me. “Not at all,” he whispers in a spine-tingling purr, eyes alight with secret sparkle. “It should scare you. It should scare you and enliven you. It should make you want to start a fire. Because you can.”
― A.L. Davroe, quote from Nexis

“I am preprogrammed, acting on impulse, dumping a vast memory into a whirling pool and somehow bringing order to it. Building a complex web. I am the spider. This is my venomous bite. I will make them see their folly.”
― A.L. Davroe, quote from Nexis

“But as I aged I realized that I did it every day. My schoolmates and neighbors, my family members, my best friend and the boy I had a crush on, they all changed on a day-to-day basis. People changing skin became so normal to me that I no longer felt like change was horrifying. It was good to change what you were into something better. I even wanted that for myself.
Like androids, we humans change our bodies. Often, we do it so much that some of us are more machine than human, really? What makes me more worthy of experiencing a blue sky with voluptuous clouds than Meems? She has value. She's more valuable to society than I am at this point. Yet I still enjoy an aspect of society that she does not.”
― A.L. Davroe, quote from Nexis

“What you humans need to do is find beauty in the fact that something is naturally the way it is. Perhaps then you wouldn't be so destructive." [Meems says to Ellani]”
― A.L. Davroe, quote from Nexis

“I want him to be with me because he likes being with me, not because he's forced to be with me or because he wants something from me. That's not how friendship should be." [Ellani]”
― A.L. Davroe, quote from Nexis

“From what I can see of humans, you often destroy wonderful things in the pursuit of something that your delusions make you think is more wonderful.”
― A.L. Davroe, quote from Nexis

About the author

A.L. Davroe
Born place: in The United States
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