Quotes from Why Your Flight Attendant Hates You

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“*Always schedule enough time between connections. I always like to give myself at least two hours between flights. It’s much easier to sit in the terminal for three hours than it is to sit on standby for two days because you missed your connection.”
― quote from Why Your Flight Attendant Hates You

“The weather may not be at your point of origin. It may not even be at your destination. It could possibly be somewhere in the middle of your flight path, and it is obviously severe enough that the flight has to hold steady until it passes.”
― quote from Why Your Flight Attendant Hates You

“If your pilot was supposed to land at 10pm and instead landed at 12am and only had the minimum amount of rest required by law before the next flight, then the flight will have to be delayed for two hours to ensure that the pilot is legally rested.”
― quote from Why Your Flight Attendant Hates You

“When it comes to small children, they obviously need and have to be seated with their parents. If a flight attendant asks for you to switch to accommodate a family, try to be understanding”
― quote from Why Your Flight Attendant Hates You

“If you don’t want people walking in your house and putting their feet on your coffee table, then keep your feet where they belong.”
― quote from Why Your Flight Attendant Hates You

“A normal configuration with three seats on each side will be lettered A, B, and C on the left side, starting at the window. Then D, E, and F on the right side, starting with the aisle.”
― quote from Why Your Flight Attendant Hates You

“which most people ignore. There are a lot of FARs. So many FARs, in fact, that flight attendants have to carry around a little book at all times that gives reference to every FAR out there.”
― quote from Why Your Flight Attendant Hates You

“If you are wondering why you have to put your bag under the seat in front of you, it is because you, and the people you share a row with, will need a clear path of exit during an emergency.”
― quote from Why Your Flight Attendant Hates You

“When you fly on smaller planes, sometimes the seating arrangement has to be changed because of weight and balance.”
― quote from Why Your Flight Attendant Hates You

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