Quotes from Love Walked in

Marisa de los Santos ·  307 pages

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“No one is ever quite ready; everyone is always caught off guard. Parenthood chooses you. And you open your eyes, look at what you've got, say "Oh, my gosh," and recognize that of all the balls there ever were, this is the one you should not drop. It's not a question of choice.”
― Marisa de los Santos, quote from Love Walked in

“Even if someone wasn't perfect or even especially good, you couldn't dismiss the love they felt. Love was always love; it had a rightness all its own, even if the person feeling the love was full of wrongness.”
― Marisa de los Santos, quote from Love Walked in

“Jimmy Stewart is always and indisputably the best man in the world, unless Cary Grant should happen to show up.”
― Marisa de los Santos, quote from Love Walked in

“Happiness isn't what happens when you whistle along, pretending bad things don't exist. . . Happiness is earned, like everything else. It's achieved. ”
― Marisa de los Santos, quote from Love Walked in

“We talked and talked and talked. Maybe love comes in at the eyes, but not nearly as much as it comes in at the ears, at least in my experience. As we talked, lights flicked on inside my head; by the end of the night I was a planterium.”
― Marisa de los Santos, quote from Love Walked in

“There's a kind of holiness to love, requited or not, and those people who don't receive it with gratitude are arrogant beyond saving.”
― Marisa de los Santos, quote from Love Walked in

“I spoke, I listened, and my heart broke, which is to say that it didn't break at all but became suddenly aware of its own wholeness in such a way it hurt like hell.”
― Marisa de los Santos, quote from Love Walked in

“There are people whose deaths make you ache with sadness. And then there are people whose deaths prevent the sun from rising, deaths that turn the walls black in every room you walk through, deaths that send storm clouds and a wail swirling through your head so that you can't hear music and you can't recognize your furniture or your own face in the mirror.”
― Marisa de los Santos, quote from Love Walked in

“I don’t think love is blind, true love is probably the most clear-eyed state of being there is.’

‘Maybe you’re right. Maybe with true love, you see and you love anyway…”
― Marisa de los Santos, quote from Love Walked in

“I don't think love is blind, but wanting to be in love, that's probably blind.”
― Marisa de los Santos, quote from Love Walked in

“But sometimes, a boat needs to rock; a boat needs to head straight for the heart of a storm and come out on the other side, weather beaten but with flags flying.”
― Marisa de los Santos, quote from Love Walked in

“Yes, it’s true, what I said earlier: A real life doesn’t mean geting what you want; the achievement, the privilege, too, is knowing what you love.But getting what you love? Having what you love love you back? Oh, my friend, it’s miracle: your one tiny life’s head-on collision with divinity. ”
― Marisa de los Santos, quote from Love Walked in

“What do you do when you're in love with the last man in the world you can have? You plan a life, a real life, without him.”
― Marisa de los Santos, quote from Love Walked in

“In certain situations, you can't worry about how people will react. You just hyave to be as honest as you can and let what happens afterward happen.”
― Marisa de los Santos, quote from Love Walked in

“If you're going to rip someone off, it might as well be Audrey Hepburn.”
― Marisa de los Santos, quote from Love Walked in

“Magic can happen in a car, a warm, intimate magic born of being in an enclosed, particular place and, simultaneously, being nowhere, passing throu. No one leaves her troubles behind, not really, but you can believe you have. You can believe you're in an inbetween space where trouble can't find you. . . .”
― Marisa de los Santos, quote from Love Walked in

“A real life doesn't mean getting what you want; the achievement, the privilege, too is knowing what you love.”
― Marisa de los Santos, quote from Love Walked in

“You know what I mean. That moment in a relationship in which, at the same time you discover you've been floating in air for 5 and 1/2 weeks you also discover that your feet have dropped a little closer to earth.”
― Marisa de los Santos, quote from Love Walked in

“It was the first time! Just because there weren’t fireworks the first time doesn’t mean there will never be fireworks. We’re human; we’re adults; we teach each other; we communicate; fireworks don’t just go off, wham-bang; fireworks evolve!’

Awestruck by the utter, asinine nonsense of this metaphor, everyone is still. Into the stillness, the ample woman drops the word ‘Wrong.’ Then she says it again. ‘Wrong…I’m talking about science…Pheromones.’ The woman turns to Cornelia. ‘The chemicals in his body call out. The chemicals in your body answer. It either happens or it doesn’t.’

On top of being dumb, Cornelia is dumbfounded.”
― Marisa de los Santos, quote from Love Walked in

“But every time, what brought me to my senses was my conviction that before a person dropped a new life into this world, she should probably get a real one herself.”
― Marisa de los Santos, quote from Love Walked in

“All those films in which the woman doesn't get her man, those films of yearning unsatisfied, hearts unappeased. You like them; I've liked them too. But I'll tell you what: try belonging body and soul to a man who will never belong to you; see how well you like those films then. "Don't ask for the moon-we have the stars!" ... "Pardon me saying so, but fuck the fucking stars!”
― Marisa de los Santos, quote from Love Walked in

“There’s a kind of holiness to love, requited or not, and those people who don’t receive it with gratitude are arrogant beyond saving.”
― Marisa de los Santos, quote from Love Walked in

“But you're wrong. Happiness is EARNED, like everything else. It's achieved.”
― Marisa de los Santos, quote from Love Walked in

“Whatever word you use to describe diving into the deepest part of a human. Take your pick; they're all woefully inadequate, but they're also all we have.”
― Marisa de los Santos, quote from Love Walked in

“My life - my real life - started when a man walked into it, a handsome stranger in a perfectly cut suit, and, yes I know how that sounds.”
― Marisa de los Santos, quote from Love Walked in

“It's ok to feel happy, right? She hoped he'd know what she meant.”
― Marisa de los Santos, quote from Love Walked in

“Clare wasn't worried anymore about their being mean to each other. She imagined that someday she's be part of a friendship in which she and the friend thought so highly of each other and were so sure or this that they could say anything.”
― Marisa de los Santos, quote from Love Walked in

“Soldiers in the heat of battle; death-row prisoners; explorers stranded in deserts, jungles, on mountaintops; anyone sick or lost or just tired and bewildered: we all wanted our mothers.”
― Marisa de los Santos, quote from Love Walked in

“The examples seemed to fall into two categories: girls who used sweetness and girls who used pluck.”
― Marisa de los Santos, quote from Love Walked in

“Linney moves in the world with such firm, certain steps, being with her can make you forget your own confusion, at least for a little while.”
― Marisa de los Santos, quote from Love Walked in

About the author

Marisa de los Santos
Born place: in Baltimore, The United States
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