Quotes from Tisha: The Wonderful True Love Story of a Young Teacher in the Alaskan Wilderness

342 pages

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“The sun was just coming up over the mountains--blood red and cold. I felt as if I was standing in the mightiest cathedral that had ever been built. There was no end to it, and no beginning. All I could do was look at it and worship.”
― quote from Tisha: The Wonderful True Love Story of a Young Teacher in the Alaskan Wilderness

“Now I was going to be myself. I wasn't going to be hard to get along with or go out of my way to say anything mean, but from now on people were going to have to take me for what I was.”
― quote from Tisha: The Wonderful True Love Story of a Young Teacher in the Alaskan Wilderness

“Are you too destitute to buy shoes Miss Winters?"

"What makes you ask?"

"I know the Indians are accustomed to wearing such footgear, but I've never seen respectable white women do so. They prefer shoes. From the rear I might have taken you for a squaw."

"Nobody asked you to look at my rear.”
― quote from Tisha: The Wonderful True Love Story of a Young Teacher in the Alaskan Wilderness

“I never realized how much water a person used until I started packing it up from the creek---water for washing clothes, for washing yourself,for cooking,washing dishes. That’s all I seem to do all day is pack water and then dump it out.”
― quote from Tisha: The Wonderful True Love Story of a Young Teacher in the Alaskan Wilderness

“After a while I found myself near Mary Angus' shack. It looked so lonely and forlorn I almost started to cry. For the first time I really understood why she was staying here, how even though she was sick she could keep on living in a space like that. If you loved somebody enough you could live anywhere.”
― quote from Tisha: The Wonderful True Love Story of a Young Teacher in the Alaskan Wilderness

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“وضع برنارد شو إصبعه على الحاجة الحقيقية في مقدمة "العودة إلى ميتوشالح" :
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