Quotes from Eve & Adam

Michael Grant ·  291 pages

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“Its the fate of all creators: They fall in love with their creations.”
― Michael Grant, quote from Eve & Adam

“Todo el mundo tendría que tener defectos. ¿No es eso lo que nos hace interesantes? ¿No es eso lo que nos impide ser copias de carbón de los demás?”
― Michael Grant, quote from Eve & Adam

“Oh, Snap," I say.
"Sorry. I was flashing back to 2005.”
― Michael Grant, quote from Eve & Adam

“Here's the thing: I am not beautiful. I'm pretty. I'll allow that much. Pretty. But I'm not the girl boys long for.”
― Michael Grant, quote from Eve & Adam

“I have good shoulders, might as well reveal them. I know she's checking me out. Fair enough, because I'm checking her out.
"Ah ahh ahhhh!"
Eve cries out suddenly. She's in pain. Bad pain. so it's possible she's not really checking me out.”
― Michael Grant, quote from Eve & Adam

“You like blue eyes, huh?"
"Yes. I do. I like blue eyes.”
― Michael Grant, quote from Eve & Adam

“The computer's password protected. I try the basics: 1,2,3,4. QWERTY. YTREWQ, which is qwerty backward. PASSWORD. A few others. Whoever uses this computer isn't quite that dumb. They are, however, dumb enough to write it down in the corner of the desk blotter.”
― Michael Grant, quote from Eve & Adam

“This much I know already: When Tommy and the Big Brains, in whispered, wry asides, talk about Project 88715, they call it something else. They call it the "Adam Project.”
― Michael Grant, quote from Eve & Adam

“We could do muscles first, then brains,: Aislin suggests.
"It's not all genetic, you know: he would have to work out."
"Make him right and I'll work him out," she says with a trace of her confident leer.
"Without a brain?"
She sighs. "They're better off without one.”
― Michael Grant, quote from Eve & Adam

“Some other part of me is hoping Solo's returned, so I can scream at him and then, quite possibly, kiss him for several days.”
― Michael Grant, quote from Eve & Adam

“Every single person I've seen in the past few days asks me about the Leg.
How is it?
How's the Leg?
The Leg is attached. Thanks for asking. There's The Leg right there. It's on display, always outside of the sheets and blanket, although the whole thing is still so wrapped up it looks like I borrowed The Leg from some ancient Egyptian mummy.
How's The Leg?
It seems a bit mummyish, thanks.”
― Michael Grant, quote from Eve & Adam

“It's not like I've spent my life beating he boys back with a flaming torch.”
― Michael Grant, quote from Eve & Adam

“There's no hurry. I'm not a pint of half-and-half about to expire. I can wait until I meet the right person.”
― Michael Grant, quote from Eve & Adam

“The best part is that you can use any number of different interfaces." Tap, tap, drag. "This one's made of Lego blocks, for younger kids. See how there's a Lego representation of the DNA?”
― Michael Grant, quote from Eve & Adam

“He's here and real and beautiful and I made him beautiful. And this is why Solo would destroy my mother? Is this boy, this man, is his existence really some kind of a crime?
In what mad, unholy universe could this work of art - my work of art - be a crime?”
― Michael Grant, quote from Eve & Adam

“Mientras algo exista, la nada es imposible. De hecho, es la nada la que no puede persistir. La nada da paso a algo. La nada que precedió al Big Bang fue erradicada. Nada se convirtió en algo.”
― Michael Grant, quote from Eve & Adam

“No es que crea que soy una especie de premio.
No, espera, eso no es verdad. Sí creo que soy una especie de premio. Soy inteligente y ocasionalmente graciosa y linda. No veo porque debería pasar largas citas con un tipo que se expresa en una sola sílaba y quiere ver películas de terror.”
― Michael Grant, quote from Eve & Adam

“I am too perfect for Evening," Adam volunteers. "But that's all right." He smiles shyly at Aislin. "I am not too perfect for Aislin.”
― Michael Grant, quote from Eve & Adam

“I'm not a machine, Evening. I'm a man. And you made me to be free. You did that, right?"
"Yes. Yes." I made him to be free? No responsibility there. Yes, I made him to be free. I wonder what else I made him to be.”
― Michael Grant, quote from Eve & Adam

“Last week during Life Drawing, Ms Franklin asked me if I'd ever considered majoring in art instead of biology.
I asked her for a new eraser.”
― Michael Grant, quote from Eve & Adam

“I know she's checking me out. Fair enough, because I'm checking her out.
"Ah ahhh ahhhh!"
Eve cries out suddenly. She's in pain. Bad pain. So it's possible she's not really checking me out.”
― Michael Grant, quote from Eve & Adam

“I know something must be very wrong, or just possibly very right?”
― Michael Grant, quote from Eve & Adam

“There is no always," I say. "Nothing persists forever."
"Nothingness persists," she says. She is testing me.
"No. So long as anything exists, nothingness is impossible. In fact, it's nothingness that cannot persist. Nothingness gives way to somethingness. The nothingness that preceded the Big Bang was obliterated. Nothing became something.”
― Michael Grant, quote from Eve & Adam

“No, wait, that’s not true. I do think I’m some kind of prize. I’m smart and occasionally funny and I’m pretty. I don’t see why I should spend long dates with some guy who expresses himself in single syllables and wants to go to slasher movies.”
― Michael Grant, quote from Eve & Adam

“―¡Pero míralo!―Urge Solo― Soy completamente hetero y se lo haría.”
― Michael Grant, quote from Eve & Adam

“We are at a turning point of revolution species. Evolution has blindly felt its way forward , now, we, the product of evolution are taking the wheel. We soon will have the ability to design and create the new human, evolution still, but guided evolution...of course, only on computer simulation.”
― Michael Grant, quote from Eve & Adam

“You sound like a college freshman taking his first philosophy class way too seriously, but that's good.”
― Michael Grant, quote from Eve & Adam

About the author

Michael Grant
Born place: in Los Angeles, The United States
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