Quotes from Blaze

Suzanne Wright ·  368 pages

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“You’re still not fearing my mighty wrath.”
“I’m trying.”
“One day I will unleash it and you will flee in terror. Why are you laughing? It’s only the truth. A sphinx in full-on berserker-mode can wreak major destruction and instill fear into the hearts of all who… stop laughing!”
― Suzanne Wright, quote from Blaze

“Don’t beat yourself up about being a nut job. Facebook’s made stalkers out of us all.”
― Suzanne Wright, quote from Blaze

“To brood.” Her tone dared him to deny it.
“I had a lot of calls to make.”
Ha. “You were brooding.”
“I was trying to find out if there was a spell that could teleport people into secure places.”
“You were brooding.”
“No one was able to help with that.”
“So the brooding continued.”
― Suzanne Wright, quote from Blaze

“Am I forgiven yet?” he asked, kissing her back. She snorted. “That wasn’t you making it up to me. That was you using orgasms to soften me up so I’d more easily forgive you. Sometimes I wonder how you live with yourself.” He”
― Suzanne Wright, quote from Blaze

“Just because you’re, like, super powerful doesn’t mean people shouldn’t defend you.” But he was looking at her like she was a cute harmless little bunny that was obviously on drugs. She sighed. “You’re still not fearing my mighty wrath.” “I’m trying.” “One day I will unleash it and you will flee in terror. Why are you laughing? It’s only the truth. A sphinx in full-on berserker-mode can wreak major destruction and instill fear into the hearts of all who… stop laughing!”
― Suzanne Wright, quote from Blaze

“So it Goes’ from Slaughterhouse Five to remind myself not to dwell on anything I can’t control – bad shit happens; it’s part of life.”
― Suzanne Wright, quote from Blaze

“Another day. I’m tired.” Harper wasn’t the type of girl who could shop until she dropped. She was more of a “shop until you feel like punching random people for doing nothing more than bumping you with their bags” girl. “Time to eat.” As”
― Suzanne Wright, quote from Blaze

About the author

Suzanne Wright
Born place: in The United Kingdom
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