Quotes from Don't Make Me Beautiful

Elle Casey ·  370 pages

Rating: (4.5K votes)

“Scars are your body's way of healing, making that damaged part stronger than it ever was before the pain.”
― Elle Casey, quote from Don't Make Me Beautiful

“Monsters can only live in hiding, covered by darkness and the shame wrapped up in the telling.”
― Elle Casey, quote from Don't Make Me Beautiful

“Obviously, he psyched you out.  He mind-fucked you big time.”
― Elle Casey, quote from Don't Make Me Beautiful

“You know, there's reason why certain expressions never go away and endure the test of time. It's because they're as real todaynasnthey were a hundred years ago.”
― Elle Casey, quote from Don't Make Me Beautiful

“Scars are your body's way of healing, making that damaged part stronger than it ever wad before the pain”
― Elle Casey, quote from Don't Make Me Beautiful

“Wishing can bring false hope and then what does that get you?” “Temporary happiness?  A little rest from the storm?”
― Elle Casey, quote from Don't Make Me Beautiful

“A pretty face brings people to you, sure,” he agrees.  “But it’s the personality and what’s inside that keeps them there.  Personally, if I had to choose between a pretty face and a great personality, I’d choose the personality.”
― Elle Casey, quote from Don't Make Me Beautiful

“Beauty comes from inside, not out.”
― Elle Casey, quote from Don't Make Me Beautiful

“It’s like … everything that happened to you, all those terrible things that I hope someday you’ll tell me about, they’re part of who you are now.  They make up the scars that are on your heart.  If you rip them off, try to make them disappear, you’ll just cause more damage in the end.  Scars are your body’s way of healing, making that damaged part stronger than it ever was before the pain.”
― Elle Casey, quote from Don't Make Me Beautiful

About the author

Elle Casey
Born place: in Chicago, The United States
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