Quotes from Never Seduce a Scot

Maya Banks ·  372 pages

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“I love you, Eveline," he whispered, though he knew she could not hear him. "Somehow, I'll make you hear me and you'll know that I love you as fiercely as it's possible for a man to love a woman.”
― Maya Banks, quote from Never Seduce a Scot

“My lady, I don’t simply care for her. I love her. She is my entire life. Without her, I am nothing. I have nothing.”
― Maya Banks, quote from Never Seduce a Scot

“Graeme leaned down and pressed his lips to Eveline’s cool forehead. “Come back to me,” he whispered. “I’m waiting, Eveline.”
― Maya Banks, quote from Never Seduce a Scot

“You care for my daughter.”

“My love for her is stronger than my hatred of you. ’Tis why I’ll not raise arms against you today. Instead I ask your aid in the battle against the McHughs.”
― Maya Banks, quote from Never Seduce a Scot

“It was the problem with creating a web of lies and deceit. It spiraled out of control until it took on a life of its own, and she was helpless to correct it. In too deep. She’d been trapped by her own solution.”
― Maya Banks, quote from Never Seduce a Scot

“Can you be happy here, lass?” She smiled and turned her gaze to the beautiful land covered in green and budding flowers. “I am happy wherever you are, husband.”
― Maya Banks, quote from Never Seduce a Scot

“She looked angelic in sleep, dark lashes resting against pale cheeks. Her blond hair was tousled and in disarray and spread out. Over his pillow. He frowned. She'd even stolen his pillow.”
― Maya Banks, quote from Never Seduce a Scot

“My love for her is stronger than my hatred of you.”
― Maya Banks, quote from Never Seduce a Scot

“I don’t know that she can ever make you a proper wife,” Tavis said in a low voice that sounded precariously close to pleading. “Don’t force the issue. I wouldn’t have her hurt or ill-treated for anything in the world. She is dear to all of us. You are receiving a gift, Laird. Whether you choose to believe so or not, you are receiving something more precious than gold”
― Maya Banks, quote from Never Seduce a Scot

“And yet she told you the truth,” Graeme said softly. “Aye,” Teague muttered. “I wouldn’t have even blamed her if she’d withheld what she’d seen. I cannot say that I wouldn’t have done so if I were in her position.”

“She is an amazing lass,” Graeme murmured. “Aye, that she is,” Bowen agreed. “And she’s intensely loyal to you, Graeme.”
― Maya Banks, quote from Never Seduce a Scot

“It was time for him to care for her. She’d given much of herself in the last few days. Far too much. She’d sealed her fate when she stepped in like a lioness protecting her cubs and watched over him so faithfully. She may or may not have made her ultimate decision on that bluff where he’d begged her for time to make things right. But now she was his. And nothing or no one would ever come between them. Not her family. Not his clan. He wasn’t ever going to give her up without one hell of a fight.”
― Maya Banks, quote from Never Seduce a Scot

“She may not be a mighty warrior, but one thing she’d learned after observing her mother, was that if anything could fell a warrior, it was a determined woman”
― Maya Banks, quote from Never Seduce a Scot

“Bold words, befitting the mistress of the Montgomery clan,” Graeme said in approval. “Come, wife. Let’s go home. I have a need to show my lass just how much her laird loves her.”
― Maya Banks, quote from Never Seduce a Scot

“I want to go home.”
His first reaction was to shout, “Nay!” It took all his restraint not to shout the denial. A cold fist of dread clenched his throat and squeezed relentlessly. She wasn’t happy. Even a fool could see that she was miserable.”
― Maya Banks, quote from Never Seduce a Scot

“Early one morning, before the sun had fully risen over the horizon, he sent two messengers on horseback, each to deliver the royal decree to Laird Armstrong and Laird Montgomery. He only hoped to hell that they didn’t kill each other at the wedding.”
― Maya Banks, quote from Never Seduce a Scot

About the author

Maya Banks
Born place: in The United States
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