Quotes from Mid Ocean

T. Rafael Cimino ·  422 pages

Rating: (186 votes)

“Prolific irony - For 8 years, the finger on the button that could end the world belonged to a president who couldn't pronounce the word "nuclear.”
― T. Rafael Cimino, quote from Mid Ocean

“There are roughly 1,200 dogs trained to detect bombs and bomb making materials in the US - and over 40,000 trained to detect marijuana. Some of the bomb-dogs are also cross trained as drug-dogs which accounts for their ability to sleep well at night.”
― T. Rafael Cimino, quote from Mid Ocean

“The loudest voices for immigration reform are required to have names like 'Running Bull' or 'Brave Eagle.”
― T. Rafael Cimino, quote from Mid Ocean

“You can't get on Facebook and complain about the NSA's data mining operation - On Facebook - the most invasive, privacy harmful institution on the planet. It's like whining about a paper cut while swimming in a shark tank.”
― T. Rafael Cimino, quote from Mid Ocean

“It’s not how fast you go but how far you go fast.”
― T. Rafael Cimino, quote from Mid Ocean


About the author

T. Rafael Cimino
Born place: in Wayne, NJ, The United States
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