Quotes from Independence

Shelly Crane ·  233 pages

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“When he bit into the flesh there softly, I almost accused him right there of lying to me about me being his first girlfriend, because he was way too good at this.”
― Shelly Crane, quote from Independence

“Kid, you've got to know that parking and making out isn't allowed, especially this time of night."
"We're trying to sleep, not make out. We're on a road trip."
"Is that so?" he said slowly and tapped his flashlight to the window. "The fogged up windows beg to differ.”
― Shelly Crane, quote from Independence

“We've got work to do. Strip."
"Strip for what?"
"I'm going to measure you for your dress. Strip!"
Rachel saved me…sort of. "You can do her measurements with her clothes on, Mamma," she chastised.
"Oh, I know I can." She pointed at me. "But look at her face! Ha! I just wanted to see her face pucker up like that.”
― Shelly Crane, quote from Independence

“You don't choose your life, your life chooses you.”
― Shelly Crane, quote from Independence

“Baby," he told me, his eyes lidded and dark, "you always taste like honey buns.”
― Shelly Crane, quote from Independence

“These hands," he squeezed them both on my face to make his point, "will never touch you without being gentle. Unless that's not what you want, of course." His eyebrow lifted waiting for me to balk, but I just waited. "These arms will never hold you back, but I'll hold you as tight as you'll let me. I can't wait for you to be all mine. You belong to me in every way, Maggie. Mine." I nodded in his hands. He leaned closer and whispered, "Say it."
I didn't wait a beat. "I belong to you." And he belonged to me.
He grinned. "You're daggum right you do.”
― Shelly Crane, quote from Independence

“Nobody will mess with us, huh? Ever seen The Hills Have Eyes? The Chainsaw Massacre? Psycho!"
He laughed. "Yes, but I'll murder anyone who comes near you, do you hear me?" I nodded with a smirk.”
― Shelly Crane, quote from Independence

“Out, beefy. The women folk have work to do."
Bish laughed and pointed to himself. "I'm beefy, I suppose."
"Well, no one else in this room has his arms stuffed into his sleeves like sausage casings, now do they?”
― Shelly Crane, quote from Independence

“Because after all… You don't choose your life, your life chooses you”
― Shelly Crane, quote from Independence

“Share toothbrush with him? I'd never even thought about this before. Did married people share their toothbrush normally? His mocking voice belted over the waterfall,'don't overthink this, baby'.He poaked his head out once more.'My tounge has been in your mouth”
― Shelly Crane, quote from Independence

“The words for what I want to say right now don't exist. Everything sounds…so cliché.”
― Shelly Crane, quote from Independence

“Gran swatted his butt and shooed him away out the door. "Now, we can get down to business." She rubbed her hands together like a villain.”
― Shelly Crane, quote from Independence

“I love you with all that I am,”
― Shelly Crane, quote from Independence

“It was more awkward than the time I caught my parents having sex… before church, and we all had to ride together in that strangely hot, too small car to God's house.”
― Shelly Crane, quote from Independence

“The love one feels for his significant is bigger than any ocean, deeper than any well, more powerful than any storm.”
― Shelly Crane, quote from Independence

“Like I got intimately acquainted with a meat grinder.”
― Shelly Crane, quote from Independence

“So you leave for a few weeks and come back engaged to this girl?" Honey asked, her hands on her hips. "Now, Honey," I admonished. "Maggie is great." "So am I, but you ain't going to marry me, are you?" "I would if you'd say yes." She slapped my arm and glared at me as I laughed. "What do you know about being somebody's husband? You're just a baby, yourself!”
― Shelly Crane, quote from Independence

“The key is compromise and love, no matter what. There's always a little wiggle room to work with when you're both in it 'til the end." I”
― Shelly Crane, quote from Independence

“Imprinting isn't a life sentence. Our people thrive with our significant by our side. We all know the importance of what has happened since Maggie came into our lives. The proof of how destiny works and moves is right here in this circle, in these four couples that will be joined today. But more than destiny and purpose is love. The love one feels for his significant is bigger than any ocean, deeper than any well, more powerful than any storm. When we join these significants today, they are telling us that they want no one else, will always be there for each other and will never part from their mate. Not that I have to tell them that.”
― Shelly Crane, quote from Independence

“Where have you been?" She thought, her mind running through the scenarios she could give him that he'd believe. "Just…trying to get my life together. You know, college, housing, making sure Dad's taken care of…getting engaged." He stopped all movement and I sighed, knowing what was coming. "Where's your ring if you're getting engaged?" "Well," Maggie started, "I don't have one yet." He turned a deep crimson before yelling over his shoulder. "Smarty! Get my meat dicer!" Every customer is the joint turned to stare at us, the ones causing the commotion. Maggie tried damage control. "Big John, it's fine. I didn't want one. Caleb's family is very…traditional. He has other things planned for me instead of a ring." "Like what?" he boomed and got closer to look down at me. "What kind of dolt doesn't get his girl a ring?" "The kind that buys her a house instead,”
― Shelly Crane, quote from Independence

“She sat down on the edge of the bed and accepted the plate from me. She inhaled and groaned. "Pancakes! Are you freaking kidding me? I could kiss you!" "But you won't," Maggie said and pointed with a cocked brow. "Not right now," Beck said laughing. "I'm in no position to fight sleep, let alone a whole other person. You're safe for now, college boy.”
― Shelly Crane, quote from Independence

“I can't believe you didn't cold-cock that girl. I jerked at her remark. She continued. There was this woman who used to work in Peter's first office and she was so in lust with him. I saw Peter smile and shake his head, but she kept going, leaning forward to look at me from across his chest. It seemed like every time I went to bring him lunch or drop by for…a visit, she was there. Touching his arm, leaning on his desk, calling his office when I was in there with some emergency. Ugh. Anyway, the very first time I got her alone in the elevator I cornered that hussy and told her she had better keep her paws off. That I was watching her and that hunk of a man was taken. I covered my mouth to keep from bursting out laughing. So I admire your restraint. Significants usually don't have much when it comes to our mates. I would have given Bimbo a black eye at the very least.”
― Shelly Crane, quote from Independence

“Not a day has gone by for me that I haven't been waiting for you. That I haven't dreamed of a faceless you. That I haven't imagined what you would feel like under my palms. Waiting was never the problem, it was doubting. I began to doubt that you were real, that you were actually coming to me. But I should never have doubted you. I'm amazed when I look at your face to see the love I feel for you smiling back at me. I would do anything you asked of me to keep that smile there. You are all there is, my world... I'm honored just to be in your presence, let alone have your heart. I adore the way you look at my world. The love you have for my family. How you can be so completely innocent and so achingly sexy all at the same time. How you're always selfless, and there, and full of love even after everything you've been through. Baby, I've said it a million times and I'll continue to say it 'til my last breath… You're amazing. Tomorrow you'll be mine in every way, every sense, every second, but I know that no matter how tight I hold you, it'll never be close enough. No matter how long or hard or passionately I kiss your lips, it'll never be sating. You're my soul-mate, my reason to keep pulling air into my lungs, my gorgeous significant that fits in my arms and my life perfectly, my whole life, my love, my partner in crime, my very heart, my amazing girl. Marry me. Take the beating heart in my chest and do with it what you wish. It's been yours since the day you saved my life. You've been saving it ever since. I love you, baby, more than will ever be understandable, but I dare you to try. Every tomorrow is all that matters, my love. The”
― Shelly Crane, quote from Independence

“First it's having the "No sex" talk and now it's the "Grandkids" talk. The woman switches gears quicker than a five speed." Maggie”
― Shelly Crane, quote from Independence


About the author

Shelly Crane
Born place: in Arkansas, The United States
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