Quotes from Before Life Happened

Isabel Curtis ·  200 pages

Rating: (62 votes)

“They were both lost and empty and fragile, in their own way. But they were still standing.”
― Isabel Curtis, quote from Before Life Happened

“Everyone's hurting, we just choose different ways to distract our suffering”
― Isabel Curtis, quote from Before Life Happened

“Does it get easier, at least?"
"No, it doesn't. You just get used to the grief.”
― Isabel Curtis, quote from Before Life Happened

“So many things die along with us and no one even notices.”
― Isabel Curtis, quote from Before Life Happened

“there is still good in the world. And if you can't see it, go make it”
― Isabel Curtis, quote from Before Life Happened

“She was a broken vase surrounded by broken glass: damaged and dangerous at the same time.”
― Isabel Curtis, quote from Before Life Happened

“Someone once said that you should be careful what you wish for,
because you might end up getting it. And Hayden had to be very careful. Because even wrong opportunities can come knocking at your door, and they are often disguised as the chance you've been waiting for your whole life.”
― Isabel Curtis, quote from Before Life Happened

“Someone once said that you should be careful what you wish for because you might end up getting it. And Hayden had to be very careful. Because even wrong opportunities can come knocking at your door, and they are often disguised as the chance you've been waiting for your whole life.”
― Isabel Curtis, quote from Before Life Happened

About the author

Isabel Curtis
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