Quotes from Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer

John Grisham ·  263 pages

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“He did smile at her, though, but she did not return the smile. Her teeth were somewhere in the house.”
― John Grisham, quote from Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer

“Theo explained, in what he thought was perfect Spanish, that Julio needed extra help with his algebra. Evidently, she did not understand perfect Spanish because she asked Julio what Theo was talking about.”
― John Grisham, quote from Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer

“Girls, murder trials, secret witnesses. Life was suddenly very complicated.”
― John Grisham, quote from Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer

“I’ve moved you down to the floor. Things have cleared out a bit. Again, thanks for taking such an interest in our judicial system. It’s very important to good government.” With that, Judge Gantry was finished. The students thanked him. He and Mr. Mount shook hands again.”
― John Grisham, quote from Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer

“Ms Finney shared an office on the third floor with several other court reporters. Their software system was called Veritas. Theo had hacked into it before when he had been curious about something that happened in court. It was not a secure system because the information was available in open court. Anyone could walk into the courtroom and watch the trial. Anyone, of course, who was not confined by the rigors of middle school.”
― John Grisham, quote from Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer

“Repeat something enough and folks will start to believe it. Mr. Mount had always taken the position that the presumption of innocence is a joke nowadays.”
― John Grisham, quote from Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer

“Ten minutes later, Julio and Bobby Escobar eased from the shadows and saw Theo before he saw them. Bobby was very nervous and did not want to risk being seen by a policeman, so they walked to the other side of the park and found a spot on the steps of a gazebo. Theo couldn’t see his father but he was sure he was watching. He asked Bobby”
― John Grisham, quote from Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer

“Ten minutes later, Julio and Bobby Escobar eased from the shadows and saw Theo before he saw them. Bobby was very nervous and did not want to risk being seen by a policeman, so they walked to the other side of the park and found a spot on the steps of a gazebo. Theo couldn’t see his father but he was sure he was watching. He asked Bobby if he had worked that day, then went on to say that he and his father had played the Creek Course. No, Bobby had not worked,”
― John Grisham, quote from Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer

“Shea Chapter 1 Theodore Boone was an only child and for that reason usually had breakfast alone. His father, a busy lawyer, was in the habit of leaving early and meeting friends for coffee and gossip at the same downtown diner every morning at seven. Theo’s mother, herself a busy lawyer, had been trying to lose ten pounds for at least the past ten years, and because of this she’d convinced herself that breakfast should be nothing more than coffee with the newspaper. So he ate by himself at the kitchen table, cold cereal and orange juice, with an eye on the clock. The Boone home had clocks everywhere, clear evidence of organized people. Actually, he wasn’t completely alone. Beside his chair, his dog ate, too. Judge was a thoroughly mixed mutt whose age and breeding would always be a mystery. Theo had rescued him from near death with a last-second appearance in Animal Court two years earlier, and Judge would always be grateful. He preferred Cheerios, same as Theo, and they ate together in silence every morning. At 8:00 a.m., Theo rinsed their bowls in the sink, placed the milk and juice back in the fridge, walked to the den, and kissed his mother on the cheek. “Off to school,” he said. “Do you have lunch money?” she asked, the same question five mornings a week. “Always.” “And”
― John Grisham, quote from Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer

“It wasn’t a romance; they were too young for that. Theo did not know of a single thirteen-year-old boy in his class who admitted to having a girlfriend.”
― John Grisham, quote from Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer

About the author

John Grisham
Born place: in Jonesboro, Arkansas, The United States
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