Quotes from The Girl Who Chased the Moon

Sarah Addison Allen ·  269 pages

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“I'm homesick all the time," she said, still not looking at him "I just don't know where home is. There's this promise of happiness out there. I know it. I even feel it sometimes. But it's like chasing the moon - just when I think I have it, it disappears into the horizon. I grieve and try to move on, but then the damn thing comes back the next night, giving me hope of catching it all over again.”
― Sarah Addison Allen, quote from The Girl Who Chased the Moon

“Men of thoughtless actions are always surprised by consequences.”
― Sarah Addison Allen, quote from The Girl Who Chased the Moon

“It took me a long time to realize this: We get to choose what defines us.”
― Sarah Addison Allen, quote from The Girl Who Chased the Moon

“My favorite books are the ones that make me smile for hours after reading them. I want that for my readers, for the sweetness to linger. Sort of like chocolate, but without the calories”
― Sarah Addison Allen, quote from The Girl Who Chased the Moon

“I spent so much time telling myself that this wasn't home that I started to believe it,” she said carefully. “Belonging has always been tough for me.”

“I can be your home,” he said quietly. “Belong to me.”
― Sarah Addison Allen, quote from The Girl Who Chased the Moon

“Adolescence is like having only enough light to see the step directly in front of you.”
― Sarah Addison Allen, quote from The Girl Who Chased the Moon

“Living down your own past was hard enough. You shouldn't have to live down someone else's.”
― Sarah Addison Allen, quote from The Girl Who Chased the Moon

“How we see the world changes all the time. It all depends on our mood.”
― Sarah Addison Allen, quote from The Girl Who Chased the Moon

“Some men you know are Southern before they ever say a word," Julia said as she and Emily watched Sawyer's progress, helpless, almost as if they couldn't look away. "They remind you of something good--picnics or carrying sparklers around at night. Southern men will hold doors open for you, they'll hold you after you yell at them, and they'll hold on to their pride no matter what. Be careful what they tell you, though. They have a way of making you believe anything, because they say it that way.”
― Sarah Addison Allen, quote from The Girl Who Chased the Moon

“We have history, you and I. You just don’t know it yet.”
― Sarah Addison Allen, quote from The Girl Who Chased the Moon

“Everything was quiet, a strange sort of quiet that felt like an unfinished sentence.”
― Sarah Addison Allen, quote from The Girl Who Chased the Moon

“The words were strung in the air like garland. She could almost see them.”
― Sarah Addison Allen, quote from The Girl Who Chased the Moon

“He might be tall enough to see into tomorrow, but he hadn’t looked there in a long, long time.
He’d forgotten how bright it was.
So bright he could hardly stand it. ”
― Sarah Addison Allen, quote from The Girl Who Chased the Moon

“Crystalline swirls of sugar and flour still lingered in the air like kite tails.”
― Sarah Addison Allen, quote from The Girl Who Chased the Moon

“To think, after all this time, after all the searching and all the waiting, after all the regret and the time she'd spent away, she came back to find that happiness was right where she's left it.

On a football field in Mullaby, North Carolina.

Waiting for her.”
― Sarah Addison Allen, quote from The Girl Who Chased the Moon

“There was a mood of magic and frenzy to the room. Crystalline swirls of sugar and flour still lingered in the air like kite tails. And then there was the smell-the smell of hope, the kind of smell that brought people home.”
― Sarah Addison Allen, quote from The Girl Who Chased the Moon

“Southern men will hold doors open for you, they'll hold you after you yell at them, and they'll hold on to their pride no matter what. Be careful what they tell you, though. They have a way of making you believe anything, because they say it that way.”
― Sarah Addison Allen, quote from The Girl Who Chased the Moon

“Blank-slate friendships were thin and temperamental. She knew that. There was no history there to cement people together, for better or worse.”
― Sarah Addison Allen, quote from The Girl Who Chased the Moon

“It was like she was MADE of cake, light and pretty and decorated on the outside-with her sweet laugh and pink streak to her hair-but it was anyone's guess what was on the inside.”
― Sarah Addison Allen, quote from The Girl Who Chased the Moon

“No one should ever compromise the dignity of another human being.”
― Sarah Addison Allen, quote from The Girl Who Chased the Moon

“He reached for her and kissed her. It was all at once passionate, as if there was too much in him to contain. He was immediately swept up in it. It took no effort, the difference between swimming on your own and being washed away in a flood.”
― Sarah Addison Allen, quote from The Girl Who Chased the Moon

“...a sad sort of vulnerability was wafting from her, making the night smell like maple syrup.”
― Sarah Addison Allen, quote from The Girl Who Chased the Moon

“...she was still water in his hands. He didn't know how to hold on.”
― Sarah Addison Allen, quote from The Girl Who Chased the Moon

“He'd always been fascinated by her, drawn to her the way curious people are always drawn to things they don't understand.”
― Sarah Addison Allen, quote from The Girl Who Chased the Moon

“The word lethologica describes the state of not being able to remember the word you want.”
― Sarah Addison Allen, quote from The Girl Who Chased the Moon

“The sky was incredible that night, the moon nearly full and the stars littering the sky like tossed stones.”
― Sarah Addison Allen, quote from The Girl Who Chased the Moon

“life is too short to spend time with people' who suck the happiness "out of u"..”
― Sarah Addison Allen, quote from The Girl Who Chased the Moon

“History is a loop. We're exactly where they stood twenty years ago. What's theirs is ours, what's ours will become theirs.”
― Sarah Addison Allen, quote from The Girl Who Chased the Moon

“The comfort of browning butter and the excitement of lemon zest.”
― Sarah Addison Allen, quote from The Girl Who Chased the Moon

“He lifted up on one elbow and looked down at her. What she wouldn't give to see what he saw, to know what made him look at her that way.”
― Sarah Addison Allen, quote from The Girl Who Chased the Moon


About the author

Sarah Addison Allen
Born place: in North Carolina, The United States
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