Quotes from Apollyon

Jennifer L. Armentrout ·  343 pages

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“We had no idea what waited ahead of us, other than the big, fat unknown, and most likely a big, fat kick in the face. The gravity of that was killing me-killing us

I squared my shoulders. "Release the Kraken!"

Several sets of eyes settled on me.

"What?" I gave a lopsided shrug. "I've always wanted to yell that since I saw that movie. Seemed like the perfect moment.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Apollyon

“What is it with the St. Delphi brothers and their attraction to halfs?”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Apollyon

“Whatever you do, don't break my brother's heart. You are his world. And if you leave it, it will destroy him.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Apollyon

“Oh, I was two seconds from jumping on his back and strangling him from behind… with love, of course.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Apollyon

“Alex fainted-"
"I didn't faint," I grumbled, feeling my cheeks flush.

Aiden's lip curved up on one side. "Okay. She was suddenly not walking or talking anymore...”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Apollyon

“By the way," Aiden said casting me a long look that had me totally forgetting the seriousness of our mission. "You look damn good in a Sentinel uniform."

A hot flush that had nothing to do with embarrassment spread over me. "So do you."

"I know.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Apollyon

“No matter how convoluted my life got, one thing remained consistent- my hair looked like a baby opossum had taken refuge in it, invited some friends over, and thrown a party.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Apollyon

“I'd face down a horde of spiders for you, baby." I grinned at the sound of his laugh again. "For real."
"Thats true love there. Some serious stuff," he teased.
"It is.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Apollyon

“Flipping to the front, I caught Aiden's gaze and offered a sympathetic smile.



I dumped some into his open palm, then picked out the green ones. Aiden grinned at me.

"You know I don't like the green ones?"

Shrugging, I popped them in my mouth.

"The few times I've seen you eat them, you leave the green ones behind."

Deacon popped his head between our seats.

"That's true love right there."

"That it is."

Aiden's gaze flicked to the road. I flushed like a little schoolgirl and focused on the remaining pieces of candy until Deacon drifted back into his seat. I handed all the red ones to Aiden.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Apollyon

“I can’t believe Apollo hit me with a god bolt.”
“I can’t believe Aiden punched him.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Apollyon

“Wait. Is this book about aliens?”
She snatched it back from me. “Yes.”
“But they’re hot aliens.” She tapped on the guy’s face with one thin finger. “And he can be my ET any day.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Apollyon

“I heard him whisper, "Eíste pánta mou..."

You are my everything.
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Apollyon

“Go ahead," Apollo said to Luke. "Tell them what it is, since it's obviously hugging material."
Crimson stained Luke's cheeks. "Legend goes that one of the gates to hell is in Stull Cemetery in Kansas."
"Oh, gods," I muttered, remembering where I'd heard this before. "Wasn't that a season finale on Supernatural?" When the boys nodded, my eyes rolled. "Seriously? Are Sam and Dean going to be there?”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Apollyon

“And that was the thing about truths and secrets. Sometimes the truth didn't need to be known. The lie was healthier than the truth and, while some secrets could set people free, other secrets could destroy them.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Apollyon

“You two should really get a room," Apollo said from out of nowhere.
"My poor eyes..."
I groaned. Even in his true identity, he still had impeccable timing.
"Gods," Aiden spat. He pulled back, casting Apollo a disgusted look over my head. "Do you get off on sneaking up on us?"
"You probably don't want to know what I get off on.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Apollyon

“Dying isn't the only way into the Underworld, but it's the safest."

Well, that sounded like an oxymoron if I'd ever heard one.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Apollyon

“A smug, satisfied grin stretched Apollo's lips. "I took Hermes' helmet, melted the mother down, and here you go. An invisibility charm just for you."
Apollo dropped the necklace into my palm. It was a reddish-gold color, and a crudely shaped wing was etched into it. "Ha," I said. "It's like Harry Potter and the invisibility cloak."
Everyone stared at me.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Apollyon

“Eat it," I ordered, holding it with two hands now, making it dance in the air. "It's begging you. 'Eat me'."
He arched a brow.
"Perv," I muttered.
Aiden pressed his lips together, but when he glanced at me and my dancing bun, he burst into laughter. "All right, give me the bun.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Apollyon

“My eyes locked the fury's and I smiled.

She hesitated.

I snapped to my feet. "Bitch, please.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Apollyon

“Daggers. Never leave home without them.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Apollyon

“Deacon laughed. "Oh, you're so going to be the next person who gets hit. I'm putting money on that."

"You need to add yourself to that list." Aiden looked about seventy-percent serious.
"And I'm putting money on that," Luke threw in.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Apollyon

“Alex fainted—"
"I didn't faint," I grumbled, feeling my cheeks flush.
Aiden's lip curved up on one side. "Okay. She was suddenly not walking or talking anymore. During that time, she saw Seth. Apparently he used Hermes to pull her in."
"Hermes?" Apollo hissed—actually hissed like an angry lion. "That little, punk-ass bitch."
My brows rose.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Apollyon

“I would never give up on you, Alex. Never."
"Then why are you being such a--"
"What?" His voice dropped low. "I'm being what?"
Infuriating. Stubborn. Thick-skulled. Freaking sexy.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Apollyon

“He was there. Like always, holding me up when I couldn’t’ stand and letting me go when he knew I needed him to. He was more than just a shelter. Aiden was my other half, my equal.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Apollyon

“Apollo nodded and Dionysus bowed to the room, sweeping his arms out to the sides with a flourish. And then he was gone.
I shook my head. "Okay. Who else thinks he was high as a kite?"
Hands went up across the room and I grinned.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Apollyon

“Springing into the air, I spun and delivered a nasty I-hope-someone-sees-this spin kick.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Apollyon

“Are you not going to talk? Just sit there and stare at me like a creeper?"
Aiden cracked a half smile. "You called me that once before."
"Yeah, because you are a creeper.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Apollyon

“I was more of a ‘run into things head-first and face-plant a wall’ type of fighter.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Apollyon

“Oh. Yeah, um…” I was pretty sure I matched a fire truck. “He’s a heavy sleeper.”
“I’m sure he is.” Dominic stepped back. “If you wish to join your uncle, I’ll be waiting outside. You should have time to get ready. Your uncle is a…heavy sleeper, also.”
Whaaaa…and then it hit me. Ew. Ew. Ew.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Apollyon

“His eyes were burning a liquid silver and his arm tightened around me. "I would never give up on you, Alex. Never."
"Then why are you being such a—"
"What?" his voice dropped low. "I'm being what?"
Infuriating. Stubborn. Thick-skulled. Freaking sexy. "Good gods, can we stop arguing and just, I don't know, make out?”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, quote from Apollyon

About the author

Jennifer L. Armentrout
Born place: Martinsburg, The United States
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