Quotes from Hate List

Jennifer Brown ·  405 pages

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“Just like there's always time for pain, there's always time for healing.”
― Jennifer Brown, quote from Hate List

“Because who you are is supposed to be the easiest question in the world answer, right?”
― Jennifer Brown, quote from Hate List

“Sometimes even stuff you expect to happen can still hurt”
― Jennifer Brown, quote from Hate List

“We all got to be winners sometimes. But what he didn’t understand was that we all had to be losers, too. Because you can’t have one without the other.”
― Jennifer Brown, quote from Hate List

“I'd spend about an hour, my room darkening around me, wondering what the hell happened to make me so unsure of who I even was. Because who you are is supposed to be the easiest question in the world to answer, right? Only for me it hadn't been easy for a very long time.”
― Jennifer Brown, quote from Hate List

“People do it all the time--assume that they "know" what's going on in someone else's head. That's impossible. And to think it's possible is a mistake. A really big mistake. A life-ruining one if you're not careful.”
― Jennifer Brown, quote from Hate List

“One's my favorite number. The word won being the past tense of win, and we can all say at the end of the day that we won once again, can't we? Some days making it to the end of the day is quite a victory.”
― Jennifer Brown, quote from Hate List

“Being pretty isn't everything but sometimes being ugly is.”
― Jennifer Brown, quote from Hate List

“All I could really think was how much I wanted to sleep. How much I wanted to be in a different world other than the one I was in.”
― Jennifer Brown, quote from Hate List

“You may not have pulled the trigger, but you helped cause the tragedy.”
― Jennifer Brown, quote from Hate List

“Time's never up", she whispered, not looking at me, but at my canvas. "Just like there's always time for pain, there's always time for healing. Of course there is.”
― Jennifer Brown, quote from Hate List

“At Garvin High we were dealt a hard dose of reality this year. People hate. That's our reality. People hate and are hated and carry grudges and want punishments ... I don't know if it's possible to take hate away from people. Not even people like us, who've seen firsthand what hate can do. We're all hurting. We're all going to be hurting for a long time. And we, probably more than anyone else out there, will be searching for a new reality every day. A better one ... But in order to change reality you have to be willing to listen and to learn. And to hear. To actually hear.”
― Jennifer Brown, quote from Hate List

“It was kind of weird because eventually they were all so busy hating each other, they forgot about hating me.”
― Jennifer Brown, quote from Hate List

“Some days making it to the end of the day is quite the victory. -- Bea”
― Jennifer Brown, quote from Hate List

“It seemed like way too much work, cleaning up my grief.”
― Jennifer Brown, quote from Hate List

“I like that hot air balloon.' I pointed to the ceiling where an antique looking wooden hot air balloon hung.

'Yeah, I like it too. Partly because it's cool looking, but also partly because of the irony. It weighs a ton. In this office, anything can fly. No matter what is weighing it down. Even wooden balloons. Cool, huh?”
― Jennifer Brown, quote from Hate List

“I saw everyone, a shifting sea of discomfort and sadness, each person carrying his own pain, each telling her own stories, no story more or less tragic or triumphant than any other.”
― Jennifer Brown, quote from Hate List

“It's okay for someone to let you win sometimes, you know,' he said, getting all serious. 'We don't always have to be the losers, Valerie. They may want to make us feel that way, but we're not. Sometimes we get to win, too.”
― Jennifer Brown, quote from Hate List

“I was both the monster and the sad girl. I couldn't separate the two.”
― Jennifer Brown, quote from Hate List

“I don’t know if it’s possible to take hate away from people. Not even people like us, who’ve seen firsthand what hate can do. We’re all hurting. We’re all going to be hurting for a long time. And we, probably more than anyone else out there, will be searching for a new reality every day. A better one.”
― Jennifer Brown, quote from Hate List

“We drove on in silence, Dad shaking his head in disgust every few minutes. I stared at him, wondering how it was we got to this place. How the same man who held his infant daughter and kissed her tiny face could one day be so determined to shut her out of his life, out of his heart. How, even when she reacyhed out to him in distress - Please, Dad, come get me, come save me - all he could do was accuse her. How that same daughter could look at him and feel nothing but contempt and blame and resentment, because that's all that radiated off of him for so many years and it had become contagious.”
― Jennifer Brown, quote from Hate List

“Getting on with her life is important. But right now it may be more important to put the feelings out there, deal with them, and find a way to be okay with all that's happened.”
― Jennifer Brown, quote from Hate List

“It was one of the constants of life. You are born, you die, you stand up when the bus doors open.”
― Jennifer Brown, quote from Hate List

“She's probably afraid you'll turn out like her and be married to someone you can't stand.”
― Jennifer Brown, quote from Hate List

“I sat back and looked at it. It was ugly, dark, uncontrolled. Like a monster's face. Or maybe what I saw there was my own face. I couldn't quite tell. Was the face the image of something evil or the image of myself?
"Both," Bea muttered, as if I'd spoken my question out loud. "Of course, it's both. But it shouldn't be. Goodness, no.”
― Jennifer Brown, quote from Hate List

“Mr.Kline was standing his ground, his arms outstretched in front of a small group of kids. He was red faced an appeared sweaty or maybe just covered with tears. I ran to catch up with them.”
― Jennifer Brown, quote from Hate List

“Why are you so determined to make me out to be the bad guy all the time?” I stared at the side of his face, willing him to make eye contact. He didn’t. “I’ve been doing really good lately and you don’t even care.”
― Jennifer Brown, quote from Hate List

About the author

Jennifer Brown
Born date January 1, 1972
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