Quotes from Flag in Exile

David Weber ·  443 pages

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“Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled, or dead?”
― David Weber, quote from Flag in Exile

“Yet i say to you, do not rush to marriage for it is a deep and perfect thing. Test first, that you may be certain you are called to it by love, and not simply by pleasures of the flesh which will consume themselves and leave only ashes and misery”
― David Weber, quote from Flag in Exile

“Shut not your minds to the new because the chains of the past bind you tight, for it is those who cling most desperately to the old who will turn you from the new way and lead you once more in to the paths of the unclean”
― David Weber, quote from Flag in Exile

“No one could place two-thirds of a world's population on the Dole and keep them there forever without the entire system crashing ”
― David Weber, quote from Flag in Exile

“Without love, there can be no true marriage; with love, there can be nothing else.”
― David Weber, quote from Flag in Exile

“It was only in stupid stories written by idiots that good triumphed unscathed and only the evil died. She'd known that, but where did it say her people must always be the ones to pay for victory? Her”
― David Weber, quote from Flag in Exile

“Don't worry so much! My skin's thick enough to put up with honestly expressed opinions, even from outsiders, however little I may care for them. And if I started using my security people to break heads or quash dissent, I'd only prove I was exactly what they say I am, now wouldn't I?" The”
― David Weber, quote from Flag in Exile

About the author

David Weber
Born place: in Cleveland, Ohio, The United States
Born date October 24, 1952
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