Quotes from The Death of Bunny Munro

Nick Cave ·  288 pages

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“I am damned,' thinks Bunny Munro in a sudden moment of self-awareness reserved for those who are soon to die.”
― Nick Cave, quote from The Death of Bunny Munro

“It's like this, Bunny Boy, if you walk up to an oak tree or a bloody elm or something - you know, one of those big bastards - one with a thick, heavy trunk with giant roots that grow deep in the soil and great branches that are covered in leaves, right, and you walk up to it and give the tree a shake, well, what happens?' (...)
'I really don't know, Dad,' (...)
'Well, nothing bloody happens, of course!' (...) 'You can stand there shaking it till the cows come home and all that will happen is your arms will get tired. Right?'
'Right, Dad,' he says.
'But if you go up to a skinny, dry, fucked-up little tree, with a withered trunk and a few leaves clinging on for dear life, and you put your hands around it and shake the shit out of it - as we say in the trade - those bloody leaves will come flying off! Yeah?'
'OK, Dad,' says the boy (...)
'Now, the big oak tree is the rich bastard, right, and the skinny tree is the poor cunt who hasn't got any money. Are you with me?'
Bunny Junior nods.
'Now, that sounds easier than it actually is, Bunny Boy. Do you want to know why?'
'OK, Dad.'
'Because every fucking bastard and his dog has got hold of the little tree and is shaking it for all that it's worth - the government, the bloody landlord, the lottery they don't have a chance in hell of winning, the council, their bloody exes, their hundred snotty-nosed brats running around because they are too bloody stupid to exercise a bit of self-control, all the useless shit they see on TV, fucking Tesco, parking fines, insurance on this and insurance on that, the boozer, the fruit machines, the bookies - every bastard and his three-legged, one-eyed, pox-riden dog are shaking this little tree,' says Bunny, clamping his hands together and making like he is throttling someone.
'So what do you go and do, Dad?' says Bunny Junior.
'Well, you've got to have something they think they need, you know, above all else.'
'And what's that, Dad?'
'Hope... you know... the dream. You've got to sell them the dream.”
― Nick Cave, quote from The Death of Bunny Munro

“My true intent is all for your delight.”
― Nick Cave, quote from The Death of Bunny Munro

“Through these days Bunny made increasingly frequent and protracted visits to the bathroom, beating off with a single-minded savagery intense even by Bunny's standards. Now, sitting on the sofa with a large Scotch, his cock feels and looks like something that has been involved in a terrible accident - a cartoon hotdog, maybe, that has made an unsuccessful attempt to cross a busy road.
The boy sits beside him and the two of them are locked in a parenthesis of mutual zonkedness. Bunny Junior stares blankly at the encyclopedia open in his lap. His father watches the television, smokes his fag and drinks his whisky, like an automaton.
After a time, Bunny turns his head and looks at his son and clocks the way he stares at his weird encyclopedia. He sees him but he can't really believe he is there. What does this kid want? What is he supposed to do with him? Who is he? Bunny feels like an extinct volcano, lifeless and paralysed. Yeah, he thinks, I feel like an extinct volcano - with a weird little kid to look after and a mangled sausage for a dick.”
― Nick Cave, quote from The Death of Bunny Munro

“Es vienkārši atklāju, ka šī pasaule ir pārlieku smaga, lai tajā būtu labs," saka Bannijs, tad aizver acis un, izpūtis elpu, sastingst.”
― Nick Cave, quote from The Death of Bunny Munro

“Vagina man,’ said Bunny, and his two colleagues went quiet and nodded in silent agreement.”
― Nick Cave, quote from The Death of Bunny Munro

“A myslí si přitom: V pohodě, žádnej problém, kunda, kunda.”
― Nick Cave, quote from The Death of Bunny Munro

“პანტოში მჯდარი ბანი პენისს იღებს და ისე ანძრევს, რომ გათავებისას თავი უკან უვარდება და ავდრიან ღამეში დაბმული მხეცივით ღმუის. უცებ გრძნობს, რომ ყველაფერი, რაც ამ ღამით ეზმანა – ქარი, სატელეფონო ზარები, უცნობი ადამიანის პანღური – მისი შინაგანი გლოვის გამოხატულებაა და მეტი არაფერი. ხვდება, ძალიან კარგად ხვდება, რომ სულ მალე ეს მოჩვენებები ბოლოს მოუღებენ. მიუხედავად ამისა, მხოლოდ იმაზე ფიქრობს, ნეტავ ეს ძუკნა ჯორჯია ასე რატომ მომექცაო. ჯანდაბა.”
― Nick Cave, quote from The Death of Bunny Munro

About the author

Nick Cave
Born place: in Warracknabeal, Victoria, Australia
Born date September 22, 1957
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