Quotes from Sweet Rome

Tillie Cole ·  455 pages

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“My body recognizes you as something that's good for me. My mind recognizes you as someone who's right for me, and my soul recognizes you as someone who is meant for me.”
― Tillie Cole, quote from Sweet Rome

“You’re not the only one who feels like splitting when times get rough, baby, but from now on, I won’t let you run anywhere if I’m not right there running beside you.”
― Tillie Cole, quote from Sweet Rome

“We are better together than apart, and no matter what happens in our lives, I know that waking up and seeing you each morning will always be the best part of my day.”
― Tillie Cole, quote from Sweet Rome

“My body recognizes you as something that’s good for me. My mind recognizes you as someone who’s right for me, and my soul recognizes you as someone who is meant for me.”
― Tillie Cole, quote from Sweet Rome

“I found myself below Molly’s balcony, looking up at the stone columns, a dim light coming from her room, and I shook my head in complete disbelief.
Romeo below fucking Juliet’s balcony…. Fuck. Me. Sideways.
Reaching down to my junk, I checked my balls were still there… You know, just in case they’d been revoked at such a pathetic and desperate act, but yeah—still intact and aching for the chick in that room just a stone’s throw away.”
― Tillie Cole, quote from Sweet Rome

“Yeah, yeah, I was whipped, and I honestly couldn’t give two shits about it. In fact, I fucking loved it.”
― Tillie Cole, quote from Sweet Rome

“Sometimes you just know when a person is meant for you, and I always had with her. She got me… She fucking saved me.”
― Tillie Cole, quote from Sweet Rome

“Bullet Prince, star quarterback for the Crimson Tide, dived to the right and hid behind a staircase.”
― Tillie Cole, quote from Sweet Rome

“I’m going to show you what you mean to me, how much I want you, and show you that you’re mine. You get me, baby?”
“I get you, Romeo,” she replied with that sweet damn smile that she reserved just for me.
My smile, my girl… my fucking life.”
― Tillie Cole, quote from Sweet Rome

About the author

Tillie Cole
Born place: in Stockton-On-Tees, The United Kingdom
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