Quotes from Withering Tights

Louise Rennison ·  351 pages

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“I am soooo excited, I am over-excited. I'm hysterical, I may have to slap my own face in a minute at this rate.”
― Louise Rennison, quote from Withering Tights

“He had everything a dream boy should have. Back, front, sides, Everything. A head.”
― Louise Rennison, quote from Withering Tights

“You wouldn't say ' You've got the crappest eyes I've ever seen. Your eyes make me physically sick.”
― Louise Rennison, quote from Withering Tights

“Cor, love a duck. And also Lawks-a-mercy. I said that inwardly, but outwardly I said, "Blimey, and also, what larks.”
― Louise Rennison, quote from Withering Tights

“I'm not a ice cream, i'm a human being”
― Louise Rennison, quote from Withering Tights

“Vaisey said, "Is it because your parents don't understand you?"
Charlie said, "No, it's because our parents understand us very well, and that is why they wanted us to go away.”
― Louise Rennison, quote from Withering Tights

“Out on the moors,
The lonely moors,
I roll around in sheep poo.
Heathcliff, it's youuuuu,
I hate you, I love you tooooo.
Let me in, I'm here, it's meeeee,
Look out of your windooooow.”
― Louise Rennison, quote from Withering Tights

“At that point Ms Fox came in and said, "Hello, carry on as if I am not here."
Then she lay down on the floor.”
― Louise Rennison, quote from Withering Tights

“What is that song they are singing Is it an old Yorkshire ditty you know like that 'On Ilkley Moor Bar T'at' "

Ruby said "Nah it's a football song. It goes 'We hate Chelsea we hate Chelsea we are the Chelsea haters.”
― Louise Rennison, quote from Withering Tights

“And a secret inward voice in my head was saying (in a strange breathy voice...) Yes, yessss, I will pop round to The Blind Pig. I will 'pop' round because guess who lives at the Blind Pig? It is not a blind pig, it is Alex.”
― Louise Rennison, quote from Withering Tights

“I gave my artistic laugh and also threw in some quirky language for good measure. "Lawks-a-mercy, no! I'm going to have a long bath and..."
I looked shyly down. Which is pretty impressive to have done artistic laugh, quirky language and shyness all in the space of ten seconds.”
― Louise Rennison, quote from Withering Tights

“This soft grass suggests 'softness' to me, but also at the same time 'lying-down-ness'.”
― Louise Rennison, quote from Withering Tights

“I am looking at you and you are looking at me. This is very good. I am looking and I am liking. You are looking and you are thinking, 'I hope she doesn't hit me with her crop.' But that is because I am me and you are you.”
― Louise Rennison, quote from Withering Tights

“Dance of the Sugar Plum Bikey. Yes, that's got a nice ring to it.”
― Louise Rennison, quote from Withering Tights

“Who wouldn't want to see some owl eggs?"
I said, "Come on then, they are down here."
He said, "Tallulah, the answer to who wouldn't want to see some owl eggs is... me!!!!”
― Louise Rennison, quote from Withering Tights

“Vaisey looked like a startled earwig.”
― Louise Rennison, quote from Withering Tights

“The fly in her argument is that when she says, 'they' will feel like lemons, we don't know who 'they' are. And 'they' might BE lemons.”
― Louise Rennison, quote from Withering Tights

“As we drew near to the gates of Dother Hall the old bell in the belfry rang out. I said, 'I must go in, it's nigh on ten of the clock.' He half-turned away from me, his jacket collar hiding his expression. Was he angry? Disappointed?"
Jo looked intently and I said, "Hungry?"
Jo ignored me, but as she passed by acting out walking away from Phil, she allowed her hand to slap against my head.”
― Louise Rennison, quote from Withering Tights

“Does it matter that the sausages are local? I’m just going to eat them, not make friends and go to the cinema with them.”
― Louise Rennison, quote from Withering Tights

About the author

Louise Rennison
Born place: in Leeds, The United Kingdom
Born date October 11, 1951
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