Quotes from Seven Years to Sin

Sylvia Day ·  352 pages

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“If I could,” he went on, “I would remain like this indefinitely—clasped by you, held inside you, a part of you—without moving at all. When we make love, I fight climax with everything I have. I don’t want to come; I do not want it to end. No matter how long I make it last, it isn’t nearly long enough. I am furious when I cannot hold back any longer. Why, Jess? If all I seek is the physical relief of natural lust, just as I would seek sleep or food, why would I deny myself?”

She turned her head and caught his mouth with hers, kissing him desperately.

“Tell me you understand,” he demanded, his lips moving beneath hers. “Tell me you feel it, too.”

“I feel you,” she breathed, as intoxicated by his ardency as she was by the finest claret. “You have become everything to me.”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Seven Years to Sin

“I have wanted you for so long now,” he said roughly, “I’ve no memory of how it feels to be devoid of the craving. But you must know what you do. I need you to think of who you are and where you are and who I am. Think of how things will be once we’ve crossed this threshold. Think of how you will leave this cabin—disheveled and well fucked.”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Seven Years to Sin

“I will see to this; you see to your sister. Be quick about it. It won’t be long before I come for you, and you’d best be ready, Jess, with my ring still gracing your hand. You won’t stay me then. I’ll drag you to Scotland in irons if I have to.”

He left her in a rush. As always, taking her heart with him.”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Seven Years to Sin

“I keep what's mine, and I do not share.”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Seven Years to Sin

“One day at a time. You rise, you eat, you bathe, and you talk to the few people you can tolerate while feeling so wretched. Over time, it hurts a little less. Then a little less. And so on...Until one morning, you will awake and realize the pain is only a memory. It will always be with you, but it will eventually lack the power to cripple you.”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Seven Years to Sin

“If I was any more pleased with you, I would lose what little remains of my sanity.”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Seven Years to Sin

“Why can men be boys all of their lives, but we women must grow old while we are yet young?”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Seven Years to Sin

“She is an ice princess, that one. Your brother had best pray she breeds quickly or risk losing his cock to frostbite.”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Seven Years to Sin

“I require distance from the past in order to grasp the future.”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Seven Years to Sin

“I supposed, perhaps, you miss the promise of what could have been, while at the same time you are grateful that what it was instead is over.”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Seven Years to Sin

“I'm returning to England because the reason I stayed away no longer exists, and a reason to return has unexpectedly presented itself.”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Seven Years to Sin

“He rubbed the spot over his chest that ached for Jessica. “And her regard will never alter or diminish. She knows the worst there is to know about me, yet she loves me in spite of my mistakes. No … I would say perhaps she loves me because of them; because of how they’ve shaped me.”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Seven Years to Sin

“You will never be a burden to me. It is my privilege to be available to you whenever you may need me.”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Seven Years to Sin

“Alistair caught her face in his hands, urging her to lean back and meet his gaze directly. “Jess.”
She stilled, registering the somberness in his tone.
Angling his head, he pressed his lips lightly to hers and breathed the words “I love you.”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Seven Years to Sin

“My lust was fierce, you know that. I won’t say it was love, but it was deeper than flesh. My desire for you gave me hope that I could find joy in sex again, that I could approach the act with something beyond detachment and a need for base physical release. I had to have you, Jess, whatever the cost or effort.”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Seven Years to Sin

“The feel of your big cock in me is delicious, but far more so when it's moving.”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Seven Years to Sin

“Instead, Hester had been presented at court,”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Seven Years to Sin

“She only wants my happiness,” Jessica murmured, offering him a reassuring smile from beneath the brim of her straw bonnet. “It may”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Seven Years to Sin

About the author

Sylvia Day
Born place: in Los Angeles, The United States
Born date March 11, 2018
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