Quotes from Seeds of Rebellion

Brandon Mull ·  512 pages

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“Sometimes the best offense was avoiding self-destruction.”
― Brandon Mull, quote from Seeds of Rebellion

“Jason glanced at the creature. It remained the same distance away as before, still as a statue.
"What do you want?" Jason asked.
No answer.
"Are you the thing that followed Tark? You should keep following him. He's the real mastermind. Shoo. Go hide."
No response.
"Okay, how about you stand guard while I sleep. Keep the giants away. Sound good? All in favor, hold perfectly still. Fine, I guess we have a deal.”
― Brandon Mull, quote from Seeds of Rebellion

“If we can expect another journey tomorrow, we should secure horses," Ferrin went on. "And if the sun will be shining, perhaps a goat for Aram."
"Keep it up," Aram dared him through clenched teeth.
"Is a goat too large and unruly?" Ferrin asked? "Maybe we should saddle a raccoon."
"Odd how these taunts tend to fade after sundown," Aram growled, taking a large bite of bread.
"But a new day always dawns," Ferrin replied. "And we can all use some entertainment."
Aram glowered. "Then perhaps tonight I should pull you apart and let the others puzzle you back together."
"That's the spirit!" Ferrin applauded. "Taunt back! I get the sense you've seldom had to deal with ridicule."
Aram appeared to be resisting a pleased little smile.”
― Brandon Mull, quote from Seeds of Rebellion

“Yes, we have different viewpoints represented among us," she continued. "Yes, we have a displacer in our number, and a half giant, and a seedman who publicly disgraced us."
"She's talking about you," Drake muttered to Nollin, loud enough to draw a laugh.
"No, Drake, I'm talking about you," Farfalee corrected.”
― Brandon Mull, quote from Seeds of Rebellion

“You look tired," Rachel told Jason.
"I wish I could jog and sleep at the same time."
"Can't you?" Ferrin asked, joining them at the little cascade. "I always imagined that you could sleep rolling down a mountainside in a barrel."
"I probably could today," Jason conceded.”
― Brandon Mull, quote from Seeds of Rebellion

“When a government becomes unjust, honor is often found among the lawless.”
― Brandon Mull, quote from Seeds of Rebellion

“Jason and Ferrin turned. Aram, face shiny with sweat, pulled a small pair of pants over his skinny legs. His shrunken hands trembled.
Ferrin struggled not to smile. He was unsuccessful.
Ferrin's involuntary grin forced Jason to bite his lip to keep from laughing. Ferrin noticed and began to shake, eyes watering.
Aram hastily pulled on a shirt. Then he folded his arms, glaring grumpily up at the others. "Go ahead, let it out, have a good laugh."
They did.
Feeding off each other, magnified by the knowledge that their laughter was so inappropriate, their mirth was uncontrollable. Ferrin buried his face, attempting to compose himself. Jason stared at the ground, trying to summon sober thoughts.
"We need to go," Aram said indignantly, clambering up onto his suddenly oversized horse. Atop the huge stallion, he looked like a little jockey.
Jason coughed out a final laugh.
Ferrin shook quietly, wiping tears from flushed cheeks.
"Finished?" Aram asked. "You two are ruthless." He looked down at himself. "I guess it's quite a contrast."
"We don't mean to rub it in," Jason apologized. "We've already seen you both ways. It isn't that big of a deal."
"It doesn't help that you're so shy about it," Ferrin tried to explain. "It was more your expression than anything."
"Let's leave it behind us," Aram said, nudging his horse with his heels. The stallion didn't respond.
Ferrin buried his face in the crook of his arm. Jason ground his teeth.”
― Brandon Mull, quote from Seeds of Rebellion

“Everyone should get to clobber a princess at least once," Jason said.”
― Brandon Mull, quote from Seeds of Rebellion

“Not that I lack confidence in the outcome," Ferrin said, "but would you consider entrusting the piece of my neck to somebody who is not about to confront one of the most deadly beings in the world?”
― Brandon Mull, quote from Seeds of Rebellion

“Do us all a favor and toss your mouth overboard.”
― Brandon Mull, quote from Seeds of Rebellion

“You and I move through time like a flame on a string. The ashes behind are the past, consumed, unreachable. The string ahead is the future. But the only moment we inhabit, the only moment where we can act, is the present, the point where the flame burns, the point where time touches eternity.”
― Brandon Mull, quote from Seeds of Rebellion

“What if a pair of us head off on our own?" Nollin proposed, panting. "A small detachment might avoid detection."
"It's a gamble," Ferrin said. "If the duo gets noticed, they'll be defenseless. Who'd you have in mind?"
"Some key delegates," Nollin said. "Perhaps myself and Aram."
Rachel shook her head. Evidently, Nollin had noticed the critical role Aram had played during the escape.
Ferrin laughed openly. "Aram, you've been promoted to essential!"
"I'm generally more appreciated at night," the big man grumbled. "I'm going to the table, Nollin."
"Maybe we should all remain together," Nollin repented.”
― Brandon Mull, quote from Seeds of Rebellion

“You don't know how to respond," Ferrin said. "I'll make it easy for you. The safest course of action for your young rebellion would be to toss me off the tallest cliff you can find. I have played a perilous game for years--trading secrets, telling lies, finding leverage, earning trust only to betray it. I got away with an eccentric lifestyle among Maldor's elite by hiding much of what I learned and proving myself too valuable to kill. It was a precarious, unforgiving game. When I released you from Felrook, I miscalculated, and I lost Game over. Bridges burned. But the game is part of my nature. I don't think I can stop playing until I stop breathing.”
― Brandon Mull, quote from Seeds of Rebellion

“It doesn’t take a genius to plan a perfect assault,” Galloran said. “The trouble tends to show up during the execution.”
― Brandon Mull, quote from Seeds of Rebellion

“A common enemy is not necessarily a reliable basis for friendship.”
― Brandon Mull, quote from Seeds of Rebellion

“No matter how hard I try, there's a cynical corner of my mind where everything is an act. People are game pieces. Information is currency.”
― Brandon Mull, quote from Seeds of Rebellion

About the author

Brandon Mull
Born place: The United States
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