Quotes from Good Me, Bad Me

Ali Land ·  338 pages

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“More disturbing than hurt is love when it's wrong.”
― Ali Land, quote from Good Me, Bad Me

“The brain of a psychopath is different from most, I've weighed up my chances. Eighty per cent genetics, twenty per cent environment. Me. One hundred per cent fucked.”
― Ali Land, quote from Good Me, Bad Me

“A Native American tale where the Cherokee tells his grandson there’s a battle between two wolves in all of us. One is evil, the other good. The boy asks him, Which wolf wins? The Cherokee tells him, The one you feed.”
― Ali Land, quote from Good Me, Bad Me

“When Peter says to Wendy: “Come with me where you’ll never, never have to worry about grown-up things again,” I remember thinking, I’d like to go there. Please.”
― Ali Land, quote from Good Me, Bad Me

“Tu contacto dolía, pero la ausencia de contacto duele más.”
― Ali Land, quote from Good Me, Bad Me

“You broke my heart.
You broke my.
You broke.
And me.”
― Ali Land, quote from Good Me, Bad Me

“Казах ти сбогом тази нощ, прошепнах го. Мисля, че е възможно да съм казала, че те обичам, и наистина е така. Все е още така, макар че се опитвам да не е.”
― Ali Land, quote from Good Me, Bad Me

“Forgiving, that's what she is, and lonely. A person can forgive a lot if they need the company.”
― Ali Land, quote from Good Me, Bad Me

“Beauty gives a person power. And camouflage.”
― Ali Land, quote from Good Me, Bad Me

“A hypervigilance, never knowing what to expect, but knowing to expect something.”
― Ali Land, quote from Good Me, Bad Me

“Transference is a process by which someone unconsciously transfers feelings about a person in their past on to a person or situation in their present.’ ‘I was only trying to thank her.”
― Ali Land, quote from Good Me, Bad Me

“But the hearts of small children are delicate organs. A cruel beginning in this world can twist them into curious shapes. Carson McCullers, 1917–1967”
― Ali Land, quote from Good Me, Bad Me

“Kindness when you're wounded hurts more.”
― Ali Land, quote from Good Me, Bad Me

― Ali Land, quote from Good Me, Bad Me

“Ricordo di aver pensato che non volevo accecare le persone o attirarle dove non potevano più fuggire. Non volevo essere come te”
― Ali Land, quote from Good Me, Bad Me

“Fa male. Fa male essere il bersaglio di Phoebe, ma è pur sempre una forma di inclusione, a un certo livello. Un'opportunità di imparare, e io ne ho tanta voglia. Adesso sono la maestra di me stessa, anche se le tue lezioni continuano a riecheggiare nella mia mente.”
― Ali Land, quote from Good Me, Bad Me

“Mi aggrappavo al pensiero che un giorno potessi essere amata e accettata per come ero. Da qualcuno. Chiunque fosse. Ma adesso non ho alcuna possibilità, ci ha pensato Phoebe. Non solo ha deciso subito che non le piacevo, ma anche che non sarei dovuta piacere a nessuno. È potente, come te.”
― Ali Land, quote from Good Me, Bad Me

“Ti piace giocare, vero?" Chiede
La sua voce. È diversa, più pressante. Capisco che cosa significa.
"Dipende", rispondo
"Da cosa?"
"Se vinco o no”
― Ali Land, quote from Good Me, Bad Me

“Non c'è un altro modo?"
Mike scuote la testa, si protende in avanti e dice: "Non c'è una via di fuga. Bisogna passare attraverso il fuoco”
― Ali Land, quote from Good Me, Bad Me

“Al reparto mi avevano detto che la speranza era la mia arma migliore, che mi avrebbe aiutata a superare tutto. E come una sciocca io ci ho creduto”
― Ali Land, quote from Good Me, Bad Me

“Dovrei sentirmi fortunata, invece ho paura. Paura di scoprire chi sono e cosa potrei essere. E ho paura che anche loro lo scoprano.”
― Ali Land, quote from Good Me, Bad Me

“Against the rules. She's on it, like a hound on a fox.
'Her name is Annie.”
― Ali Land, quote from Good Me, Bad Me

“A wave. Raw. Sadness washes over me as I'm dismissed. I don't move, I look at the screen. I want to run to you, crawl up inside you back into your womb. Rewrite a history where this time you'd love me normally. Shiny and new.”
― Ali Land, quote from Good Me, Bad Me

“Dragged from your room. A red crease of sleep visible down your cheek, eyes foggy with the adjustment from a state of rest to a state of arrest. You said nothing. Even when your face was mashed into the carpet, your rights read out, their knees and elbows pressed in your back. Your nightie rode high up your thighs. No underwear. The indignity of it all.”
― Ali Land, quote from Good Me, Bad Me

“Guns held in praying hands, flat against their chests. The thrill of the search, along with the terror of the truth, etched in equal measure on their faces.”
― Ali Land, quote from Good Me, Bad Me

“You turned your head to the side. Faced me. Your eyes never left mine, I read them with ease. You said nothing to them, yet everything to me. I nodded.
But only when no one was watching.”
― Ali Land, quote from Good Me, Bad Me

About the author

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