Quotes from Space Cadet

Robert A. Heinlein ·  224 pages

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“The sort of guardian you can hire is worth about as much as the sort of wife you can buy.”
― Robert A. Heinlein, quote from Space Cadet

“Matt, you are suffering from a disease of youth—you expect moral problems to have nice, neat, black-and-white answers.”
― Robert A. Heinlein, quote from Space Cadet

“If I’ve reached the place where I’m a good influence on anybody, it’s time I cultivated some new vices.”
― Robert A. Heinlein, quote from Space Cadet

“She might get high enough to crash—no higher.”
― Robert A. Heinlein, quote from Space Cadet

“This school is based on the idea that a man who can think correctly will automatically behave morally—or”
― Robert A. Heinlein, quote from Space Cadet

“A military hierarchy automatically places a premium on conservative behavior and dull conformance with precedent; it tends to penalize original and imaginative thinking. Commodore Arkwright realized that these tendencies are inherent and inescapable; he hoped to offset them a bit by setting up a course that could not be passed without original thinking.”
― Robert A. Heinlein, quote from Space Cadet

“Strictly speaking, the Patrol is not a military organization at all.” “Sir?” “I know, I know—you are trained to use weapons, you are under orders, you wear a uniform. But your purpose is not to fight, but to prevent fighting, by every possible means. The Patrol is not a fighting organization; it is the repository of weapons too dangerous to entrust to military men.”
― Robert A. Heinlein, quote from Space Cadet

“Men on the surface of a planet are as helpless against men in spaceships as a man would be trying to conduct a rock-throwing fight from the bottom of a well. The man at the top of the well has gravity working for him.”
― Robert A. Heinlein, quote from Space Cadet

“They flew her,” Matt pointed out. “Sure they did—and my hat’s off to them. But it takes heroes to fly a box as primitive as this and I’m not the hero type.”
― Robert A. Heinlein, quote from Space Cadet

About the author

Robert A. Heinlein
Born place: in Butler, MO, The United States
Born date July 7, 1907
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