Quotes from Allegiance of Honor

Nalini Singh ·  478 pages

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“Heroes, I’ve learned, don’t always wear white.
Sometimes they come from the darkness, shadows among shadows.”
― Nalini Singh, quote from Allegiance of Honor

“Look after my friends, won't you, Kaleb?"
"Stop making so many."
"I love you, too.”
― Nalini Singh, quote from Allegiance of Honor

“Does Vasic know you're here alone?"
"Does Sahara know she's mated to an overprotective Neanderthal?"
Kaleb's lips curved.”
― Nalini Singh, quote from Allegiance of Honor

“A single act of kindness can change a life.”
― Nalini Singh, quote from Allegiance of Honor

“It was so easy to win the trust of children, but this child would never be in a position where that trust could get her killed.

Her alpha father and empath mother would never permit it.

Neither would her deadly grandmother.”
― Nalini Singh, quote from Allegiance of Honor

Do you think he has any idea I’m considered a deadly threat by most individuals on the planet?

Nope. Sahara’s eyes laughed at him. He thinks you’re a new toy.
― Nalini Singh, quote from Allegiance of Honor

“Your father and Nikita. Man likes to live dangerously.” Faith”
― Nalini Singh, quote from Allegiance of Honor

“We never finished our dance."
"We never will. This dance we're in, it's forever.”
― Nalini Singh, quote from Allegiance of Honor

“Love gives far more than it ever takes. And love makes us want to give.”
― Nalini Singh, quote from Allegiance of Honor

“He was me and I was him and we were whole together. Now . . . now I’m in pieces, but Persephone is whole and for her, I’ll endure.” Miane”
― Nalini Singh, quote from Allegiance of Honor

“Don't be so cynical. You know you believe in love."
"I believe in loving you."
"I love you back more."
― Nalini Singh, quote from Allegiance of Honor

“Do you know how sexy you are when you dress in these suits? Especially when you button up your shirt, then slot in the cuff links. Watching you is like having a waking erotic dream."
Kaleb smiled inwardly. "Yes, I know.”
― Nalini Singh, quote from Allegiance of Honor

“Will you dance with me?" The charms on Sahara's bracelet clinked against one another as she lifted her arms to link them around his neck, her love for him proud and open.
Deep inside, even the part of him that was the void, merciless and dark and broken, knew happiness, knew joy.”
― Nalini Singh, quote from Allegiance of Honor

“Seriously hot, seriously dangerous man with a tiny, adorable baby in his arms, both of them fascinated with one another?” Uncaring of her stunning ankle-length gown in poppy red, Brenna fell dramatically onto the ground, arms flung out. “Dead.” Pushing up onto her elbows, she said, “Especially since it’s my hot man holding a baby.”
― Nalini Singh, quote from Allegiance of Honor

“The first time I walked into the room and saw Naya asleep on Lucas's chest while he slept, too, his hand over her naked baby butt..." Sascha sighed, rubbing a fist over her heart. "I don't think I've recovered.”
― Nalini Singh, quote from Allegiance of Honor

“Stop that," she ordered the gorgeous adult panther on the floor while a gorgeous baby panther tried to bite at his arm with tiny panther teeth. "I can't have you being all sexy while Naya's being all adorable.”
― Nalini Singh, quote from Allegiance of Honor

“So this book, while continuing the Psy-Changeling storyline—because nothing is ever static in this world—is also a walk through the interconnected lives of many of the characters who’ve become important to us over the past books and novellas. With”
― Nalini Singh, quote from Allegiance of Honor

“He also wanted her to grow up in a united world, not a divided one. Naya should never have to choose between the two sides of her heritage.”
― Nalini Singh, quote from Allegiance of Honor

“And perhaps, if the adults here and around the world got it right, she’d never know anything but friendship and family and hope. Not war. Not racial discord. Not anger and distrust.”
― Nalini Singh, quote from Allegiance of Honor

“All changelings knew that, sometimes, touch could heal what words never could.”
― Nalini Singh, quote from Allegiance of Honor

“Why did we think having a cub was a good idea?”
― Nalini Singh, quote from Allegiance of Honor

“You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. Even if it’s dying of thirst. Not when it would rather fight the zebra on the other side.”
― Nalini Singh, quote from Allegiance of Honor

“I always knew you were tough, but you're about to try to take on the wolves, the Arrows, the Forgotten, and God knows who else, all at once. Forget brass balls. Those things are goddamn titanium!”
― Nalini Singh, quote from Allegiance of Honor

“Sometimes, it was better to extend the hand of friendship than to force compliance by fear.”
― Nalini Singh, quote from Allegiance of Honor

“Yet instead of drowning in the darkness that had threatened to suck her under, Brenna had said “fuck you” to the monster who’d hurt her, and she’d chosen to live. She’d not only wrenched back control of her own life, she’d taken on an Arrow and claimed him as her mate.”
― Nalini Singh, quote from Allegiance of Honor

“Nothing is ever black and white, kitten,” he reminded her, allowing his claws to slice out to touch her skin. “I can use my claws to protect, but I can use the same claws to rip out an enemy’s throat.”
― Nalini Singh, quote from Allegiance of Honor

“Like all power, psychic power had a flip side. Changelings could turn feral. Psy could turn murderously insane.”
― Nalini Singh, quote from Allegiance of Honor

“You can yell at me all you want. It makes me feel like I’m useful for something.”
― Nalini Singh, quote from Allegiance of Honor

“That day, two dangerous men sat, had a beer, and discussed the latest football scores.”
― Nalini Singh, quote from Allegiance of Honor

About the author

Nalini Singh
Born place: in Fiji
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