Quotes from Sadie the German Shepherd Dog Puppy: How to House-Train your GSD without a Crate

Yohai Reuben ·  189 pages

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“Understanding dog-psychology is simple and there are only a few essential (yet very simple) things that you need to understand – but you need to understand them well! The photojournal format makes it conducive to offer helpful tactics, techniques, tips, and tricks that can be accompanied by illustrative photos (when necessary) that are spread throughout the book.”
― Yohai Reuben, quote from Sadie the German Shepherd Dog Puppy: How to House-Train your GSD without a Crate

“As a child I had grown up around individual dogs that belonged to various members of an extended family and friends, as well as around packs of dogs on family's and neighbors' ranches. Growing up in the United States, I had countless encounters with both familiar dogs and strange dogs. Through the many encounters and interactions with many dogs over the course of a lifetime of now 5+ decades, I have learned to read the behavior of dogs quite well, and eventually have come to understand much about dog-psychology, how to behave around them, how to handle them, and how to train them to acceptably behave – all in the most instinctive and natural way possible.”
― Yohai Reuben, quote from Sadie the German Shepherd Dog Puppy: How to House-Train your GSD without a Crate

“And so I learned by observation, interaction, and experience - as well as active study and research - growing up and throughout my life how to understand dog-psychology, how to behave around dogs, and how to physically handle them (without fear or worry of being bitten) if/when necessary. I've had both good and bad experiences with countless dogs thus yielding many lessons learned as well as useful insights which will be shared with you throughout the course of this book.”
― Yohai Reuben, quote from Sadie the German Shepherd Dog Puppy: How to House-Train your GSD without a Crate

“This book is divided into chapters, though not in the traditional chapter division of subject matters. This is because this book also serves as a photojournal of moments from Sadie's first few months of life documented here in dated photos. Thus subsequent chapters after the first are divided into chapters by the date of the photos taken - mostly weekly every seven days on the weekly anniversary (Tuesday) of her birth. Another reason that I have done this is because training a GSD puppy from the age of 4 weeks 5 days entirely on my own has been a “sink or swim” type of learning experience for me, and I would like you to experience with me the raising of Sadie (and the learning/realization of things as I learned/realized them) here in this photojournal if at all possible.”
― Yohai Reuben, quote from Sadie the German Shepherd Dog Puppy: How to House-Train your GSD without a Crate

“I am going to share with you the very essential (yet very simple) philosophies, strategies, tactics, techniques, tips, and tricks that you need to know to successfully and quickly house-train as well as instill obedience in your GSD puppy – even if you receive your puppy earlier than the recommended 8-week earliest recommended safe age (as I did) for separation of a puppy from his/her mother and siblings. Understanding dog-psychology is simple and there are only a few essential (yet very simple) things that you need to understand – but you need to understand them well! The photojournal format makes it conducive to offer helpful tactics, techniques, tips, and tricks that can be accompanied by illustrative photos (when necessary) that are spread throughout the book.”
― Yohai Reuben, quote from Sadie the German Shepherd Dog Puppy: How to House-Train your GSD without a Crate

“Whether or not you are looking to house-train your German Shepherd Dog (GSD) or any other type of dog, this book will teach you the essentials of house-training your new puppy (or adult) dog without the need for "Crate Training" in a very easy and fun to read format. This book also serves as a photo-journal (with high-quality (HQ) high-definition (HD) picture on every page) documenting week by week the first few months of life of Sadie the German Shepherd Dog (GSD) Puppy (together with her dog friend Bad News Billy) that is suitable for children, and makes a very nice children's story-picture book for fans of German Shepherd Dogs (GSDs) of all ages.

By reading this book you will learn:

1.) How to house-train your dog without "Crate Training".
2.) How to know when to take your dog out to urinate/defecate.
3.) The four most important concepts for your dog to learn first before anything else.
4.) The three ways to get your dog to do as you say.
5.) The four reasons why your dog will not bite you.
6.) The two ways to control your dog's "Danger Area".
7.) The two ways to teach your dog new behaviors.
8.) Positive Reinforcement vs. Correction of Negative Behaviors.
9.) Which foods are safe and unsafe for your dog to eat.
10.) How to teach your dog hand-signals as silent commands.
11.) How to teach your dog to urinate/defecate upon command.

...and much more!”
― Yohai Reuben, quote from Sadie the German Shepherd Dog Puppy: How to House-Train your GSD without a Crate

About the author

Yohai Reuben
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