Quotes from One Shot

Lee Child ·  496 pages

Rating: (76.2K votes)

“I was in the machine. My whole life. Then the machine coughed and spat me out. So I thought, OK, if I'm out, I'm out. All the way out. I was a little angry and it was probably an immature reaction. But I got used to it.”
― Lee Child, quote from One Shot

“I went to college. West Point is technically a college.”
― Lee Child, quote from One Shot

“you know much about head injuries?'
'only the ones I cause”
― Lee Child, quote from One Shot

“It is not possible for any thinking person to live in such a society as our own without wanting to change it,”
― Lee Child, quote from One Shot

“down somewhere after getting rid of the”
― Lee Child, quote from One Shot

“Zec back toward the living room. The kettle’s whistle died away, like an air raid siren winding down. The house went quiet again. “It’s over,” Reacher said. “You lost.” “It’s never over,” the Zec replied. Hoarse voice,”
― Lee Child, quote from One Shot

“They were doped up? Then you were lucky.”

Reacher shook his head. “You want to fight with me, your best choice would be aspirin.”
― Lee Child, quote from One Shot

“We’ll find you,’ Emerson said. ‘You won’t,’ Reacher said. ‘Nobody ever has before.’ Then”
― Lee Child, quote from One Shot


About the author

Lee Child
Born place: The United Kingdom
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