Quotes from Hannibal Rising

Thomas Harris ·  336 pages

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“Are you looking for sympathy? You'll find it in the dictionary between shit and syphilis”
― Thomas Harris, quote from Hannibal Rising

“I love myself that much and I will never apologize to you.”
― Thomas Harris, quote from Hannibal Rising

“The advantage of beating a mute is he can't tell on you.”
― Thomas Harris, quote from Hannibal Rising

“… It is not healing to see your childhood home, but it helps you measure whether you are broken, and how and why, assuming you want to know.”
― Thomas Harris, quote from Hannibal Rising

“Mischa, we take comfort in knowing there is no God. That you are not enslaved in Heaven, made to kiss God’s ass forever. What you have is better than Paradise. You have blessed oblivion. I miss you every day.”
― Thomas Harris, quote from Hannibal Rising

“Every person is worth your time, Hannibal. If at first appearance a person seems dull, then look harder, look into him.”
― Thomas Harris, quote from Hannibal Rising

“Spaces devoted to Hannibal Lecter’s earliest years differ from the other archives in being incomplete. Some are static scenes, fragmentary, like painted attic shards held together by blank plaster. Other rooms hold sound and motion, great snakes wrestling and heaving in the dark and lit in flashes. Pleas and screaming fill some places on the grounds where Hannibal himself cannot go. But the corridors do not echo screaming, and there is music if you like.”
― Thomas Harris, quote from Hannibal Rising

“Hannibal at eighteen was rooting for Mephistopheles and contemptuous of Faust, but he only half-listened to the climax. He was watching and breathing Lady Murasaki...”
― Thomas Harris, quote from Hannibal Rising

“Just before nightfall, Hannibal approached Lecter castle through the woods. As he looked at his home, his feelings remained curiously flat; it is not healing to see your childhood home, but it helps you measure whether you are broken, and how and why, assuming you want to know.”
― Thomas Harris, quote from Hannibal Rising

“He follows several trains of thought at once, without distraction from any, and one of the trains is always for his own amusement.”
― Thomas Harris, quote from Hannibal Rising

“Hannibal had entered his heart’s long winter. He slept soundly and was not visited in dreams as humans are.”
― Thomas Harris, quote from Hannibal Rising

“When I said that Mercy stood Within the borders of the wood, I meant the lenient beast with claws And bloody swift-dispatching jaws. —LAWRENCE SPINGARN”
― Thomas Harris, quote from Hannibal Rising

“This was a holiday and killing Grentz was preferable to skiing. The”
― Thomas Harris, quote from Hannibal Rising

“Flog no one else with meat.”
― Thomas Harris, quote from Hannibal Rising


About the author

Thomas Harris
Born place: in Jackson, Tennessee, The United States
Born date April 11, 1940
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