Quotes from Safe & Sound

T.S. Krupa ·  312 pages

Rating: (204 votes)

“If I have learned anything over this last year it’s that you have to live your own life too so that if something we hoped for doesn’t work out, you still have two legs to stand on, you still have your own path.”
― T.S. Krupa, quote from Safe & Sound

“You are all I ever need.”
― T.S. Krupa, quote from Safe & Sound

“The best part about life is you don't know the outcome.”
― T.S. Krupa, quote from Safe & Sound

“Everything is possible. You once told me not too long ago we should always have hope and I do.”
― T.S. Krupa, quote from Safe & Sound

“I mean, my age is just a number. So what if you were born in the era when they still used rotary phones and cassette tapes? I think it’s cute.”
― T.S. Krupa, quote from Safe & Sound

“I hope this might be forever.”
― T.S. Krupa, quote from Safe & Sound

“I don’t know how you got so lucky twice in your life, but I think love found you out on that beach.”
― T.S. Krupa, quote from Safe & Sound

About the author

T.S. Krupa
Born place: in New Haven, The United States
Born date August 19, 2018
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