Quotes from Fruits Basket, Vol. 2

Natsuki Takaya ·  194 pages

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“Sometimes it feels like the whole world is conspiring to destroy my house... "
- Shigure Sohma”
― Natsuki Takaya, quote from Fruits Basket, Vol. 2

“When did you become a woman?"-Hatori
How dare you ask that after you have seen me naked so many times..."-Yuki
GASP! No it cant be! Yuki-kun, does that mean..." fan club girls
NO! He's my doctor..."Yuki”
― Natsuki Takaya, quote from Fruits Basket, Vol. 2

“So let me get this straight. You were living in a tent in the woods, but now you're living with Prince Charming and anger management boy? SERIOUSLY?!”
― Natsuki Takaya, quote from Fruits Basket, Vol. 2


Shigure: "Sorry, Tohru-kun. My lips are sealed!”
― Natsuki Takaya, quote from Fruits Basket, Vol. 2

“Hatori: "You won't get very far if you try to threaten me in THAT outfit."

Yuki: "Thank you. So much.”
― Natsuki Takaya, quote from Fruits Basket, Vol. 2

“Yuki: "Honda-san... you'd better stop, or he'll get a swelled head."

Kyo: "Doesn't Shigure already HAVE a swelled head?”
― Natsuki Takaya, quote from Fruits Basket, Vol. 2

“If you think of someone's good qualities as the umeboshi in an onigiri it's as if their qualities are stuck to their back! Maybe the reason people get jealous of each other is because they can see so clearly the umeboshi on other people's backs.”
― Natsuki Takaya, quote from Fruits Basket, Vol. 2

“Arisa: "You bastard! Why don't I teach you a lesson!"

Kyo: "I'd like to see you try, bitch!"

Yuki: "I have a winning hand."

Tohru: "I knew you'd be good at this.”
― Natsuki Takaya, quote from Fruits Basket, Vol. 2

“Shigure: "What's in the camera? Huh? Huh? What is it?"

Hatori: "Quiet, you hack.”
― Natsuki Takaya, quote from Fruits Basket, Vol. 2

“Hatori: "That being said, Yuki... when did you become a woman?"

Yuki: "How dare you say that after you've seen me naked so many times...”
― Natsuki Takaya, quote from Fruits Basket, Vol. 2

“I kept making you cry... didn't I?

- Hatori Sohma”
― Natsuki Takaya, quote from Fruits Basket, Vol. 2

“To me...she was spring. It was as if while imprisoned inside the dark cage of the inner family...I had completely frozen into snow...and then there she was--fresh, clear spring. It was almost inevitable that..I would fall in love with her. -Hatori”
― Natsuki Takaya, quote from Fruits Basket, Vol. 2

About the author

Natsuki Takaya
Born place: in Shizuoka, Japan
Born date July 7, 1973
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