Quotes from Divine Misdemeanors

Laurell K. Hamilton ·  333 pages

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“I didn’t know what to say to that. I just stared at him. He was right, of course he was right, but… “I can’t do my job like this.”

“No,” he said, “you can’t.”

Then suddenly I felt the first tear slide down my face.

“No crying,” he said.

Another tear joined the first. I fought not to wipe at them.

His hand dropped to his side and he took a deep breath. “That’s not fair. Don’t cry.”

“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to, but you’re right, I think. I’m pregnant, damn it, not crippled.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Divine Misdemeanors

“He doesn’t pretend,” the punk pixie said. He nodded toward Doyle. “Nice rings. You got anything else pierced?”

“Yes,” Doyle said.

The boy smiled, making the rings in the edge of his nose and his bottom lip curl cheerfully with it. “Me too,” he said.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Divine Misdemeanors

“I hoped what little dinner I'd eaten wasn't something my new baby-rich body didn't like. I didn't want to throw up all over the bad guys, or then again maybe I did. It would certainly be distracting.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Divine Misdemeanors

“He held Saraid the rest of the way home, and in a way she held him right back, because sometimes and especially for a man, being able to be someone’s big strong shoulder to cry on helps you not need to cry so very much yourself.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Divine Misdemeanors

“They had kilts on instead of pants, but you just didn’t see six feet-plus of immortal warrior panicking about anything often, but panicking in a kitchen with pots in their hands and the oven open while they peered inside in a puzzled manner was a very special and endearing type of panic.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Divine Misdemeanors

About the author

Laurell K. Hamilton
Born place: in Heber Springs, Arkansas, The United States
Born date February 19, 2018
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