Quotes from From the Wreckage

Michele G. Miller ·  0 pages

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“Guilt. A painful, lonely feeling. It seeps into your pores slowly as you go through life day by day. Like a disease, it blackens your heart with thoughts and memories of what you did, or in my case, what you didn’t do.”
― Michele G. Miller, quote from From the Wreckage

“Winston Churchill once said, 'Sure I am of this, that you have only to endure to conquer.”
― Michele G. Miller, quote from From the Wreckage

“Sweetie, they're your feelings, so they can't be wrong. It's what you do with them that makes all the difference, but you have the right to feel what you feel.”
― Michele G. Miller, quote from From the Wreckage

“Minutes — that's all it takes to change your entire life. How do you deal with that? Not”
― Michele G. Miller, quote from From the Wreckage

“You'll always carry these memories in your heart, baby. As for tomorrow, you’ll get through it. We all will, and then we’ll get through the next day and the one after that. This whole town will; minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day. We will keep going.”
― Michele G. Miller, quote from From the Wreckage

“But in reality...I excused myself and then stood in the hallway so I could hear every last word.”
― Michele G. Miller, quote from From the Wreckage

“Minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day. You will keep going’,”
― Michele G. Miller, quote from From the Wreckage

“The Ice Shack is gone, and in its place is a blood red sky with a dark funnel cloud cutting its way to her.”
― Michele G. Miller, quote from From the Wreckage

“Tornado Safety Tip: If you can't get to safety, lie flat and face-down on low ground, and protect the back of your head with your arms.”
― Michele G. Miller, quote from From the Wreckage

“Their faces are black and white, men, women and children, young and old. Death doesn’t discriminate.”
― Michele G. Miller, quote from From the Wreckage

“Honey, it's Tanya. She didn't make it, sweetie,”
― Michele G. Miller, quote from From the Wreckage

“Minutes—that’s all it takes to change your entire life.”
― Michele G. Miller, quote from From the Wreckage

“recovered. Four from the group at the”
― Michele G. Miller, quote from From the Wreckage

“One damn moment. That’s all it takes to change our lives,”
― Michele G. Miller, quote from From the Wreckage

“Take away love, and our earth is a tomb.”
― Michele G. Miller, quote from From the Wreckage

“I have endured, and now I am ready to conquer.”
― Michele G. Miller, quote from From the Wreckage

About the author

Michele G. Miller
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