Quotes from Restoration

Randi Cooley Wilson ·  350 pages

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“You wanted a family. It doesn’t get much more typical than an eccentric cougar sexually assaulting a hot, yet quirky uncle at a family gathering,”
― Randi Cooley Wilson, quote from Restoration

“Your creation was the first step toward the destiny we share. Know this, when the skies darken and this love is tested, we shall not run. When death becomes silence and the battle lines are drawn, we shall fight. On this day, we fall to fate, as one. Your light breathes life into the darkness. It is with duty, honor, and protection I lay my sword at your feet and declare my love, devotion, and loyalty to you in the presence of the supernatural monarchies.” Asher bows his head and places his sword at my feet. “You are mine. My soul is yours. This love…is unbreakable.”
― Randi Cooley Wilson, quote from Restoration

“You live in fear that no one will hear your cries…I hear them. I’ll catch you when you fall, always. All of your broken dreams, I will make them fade away. When you’re lost, I will find you and bring you home. I will pick you up when your world shatters.”
― Randi Cooley Wilson, quote from Restoration

“Here in the darkness of the night and in the light of the moon and stars, I vow this to you. There is nothing I will fight harder for than to love, shelter, and revere you, forever, with every fiber of my being. Nothing stronger exists than my love for you, Eve Marie Collins. I will protect you, always.”
― Randi Cooley Wilson, quote from Restoration

“Sometimes we have to sacrifice our own wants and needs to help others fulfill theirs.”
― Randi Cooley Wilson, quote from Restoration

“It’s fucking frustrating, isn’t it? To be right there, on the edge emotionally, needing something from someone you love, yet they won’t give it to you. It’s no fun when you beg for something from a person who is supposed to love you with their entire soul. I want you to remember this the next time you exclude me from your brilliant plans and ignore my pleas,”
― Randi Cooley Wilson, quote from Restoration

“Now you know what it’s liked to be exposed, siren. Completely. Fucking. Exposed. Left for everyone to witness you bleeding out while the person you love turns their back on you. Welcome to my hell,” he replies calmly.”
― Randi Cooley Wilson, quote from Restoration

“When you’re ready to be truly mated, come find me,” he adds before leaving the room. “I’ll find you all right, Asher St. Michael, and when I do, you better run,” I shout after him.”
― Randi Cooley Wilson, quote from Restoration

“Life is an unwritten book, full of empty pages, waiting to be filled with our story. Each moment is a poignant chapter. Some we’d like to revisit. Others we would rather skim over. Yet every instant has a purpose, a reason for our being. I don’t know if I believe all of the written words defining my journey but I will say this: every beginning has an ending, and every ending, a beginning. —Eve Collins, The Revelation Series”
― Randi Cooley Wilson, quote from Restoration

“You live in fear that no one will hear your cries—I hear them. I’ll catch you when you fall, always. All of your broken dreams—I will make them fade away. When you’re lost, I will find you and bring you home. I will pick you up when your world shatters.”
― Randi Cooley Wilson, quote from Restoration

About the author

Randi Cooley Wilson
Born place: in Massachusetts, The United States
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