Quotes from Dirty Blonde

Lisa Scottoline ·  448 pages

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“Don’t think on what they say, because you don’t have to get yourself right with them. You have to get yourself right with you.”
― Lisa Scottoline, quote from Dirty Blonde

“Don’t you wear glasses, George?” “Not anymore. I had my eyes lasered.” Can you say midlife crisis? Radial keratotomy is the new red Porsche.”
― Lisa Scottoline, quote from Dirty Blonde

“Bootleg miners did what’s called robbing back, working the mine the wrong way, back to front, chipping away the coal pillars that were left to support the mine roof. They took out the pillars, collapsing the mines. It made it impossible to stop the fire when the government filled the shafts with fly ash in the seventies, and again in the eighties.” Cate”
― Lisa Scottoline, quote from Dirty Blonde

“Everybody should have at least one girlfriend who can make her laugh.”
― Lisa Scottoline, quote from Dirty Blonde

“Let me frame the issue for you—does the active sex life of an unmarried federal judge qualify as impeachable conduct within the meaning of Article III of the U.S. Constitution?”
― Lisa Scottoline, quote from Dirty Blonde

“That at certain times, everything will fall surprisingly into place, even on a humid summer afternoon, with her feet in a baby pool. And in those times, justice and love will look so much alike that they will become the very same thing.”
― Lisa Scottoline, quote from Dirty Blonde

About the author

Lisa Scottoline
Born place: in Philadelphia, The United States
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