Quotes from Genghis: Lords of the Bow

Conn Iggulden ·  387 pages

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“We are from a line of khans, brother. We rule wherever we are placed.”
― Conn Iggulden, quote from Genghis: Lords of the Bow

“A man must always have the final choice in life and in death. Anything else can be taken from him, but never that.”
― Conn Iggulden, quote from Genghis: Lords of the Bow

“He chuckled to himself as he walked. A warm woman and a battle to come. To be alive on such a night was a wondrous thing.”
― Conn Iggulden, quote from Genghis: Lords of the Bow

“We will not stop until the sea bounds us in every direction. I am Genghis who say this and my word is iron.”
― Conn Iggulden, quote from Genghis: Lords of the Bow

“Genghis nodded drunkenly. "Writing," he replied, scornfully. "It traps words."
"It makes them real, lord. It makes them last.”
― Conn Iggulden, quote from Genghis: Lords of the Bow

“If you are asking if my family will take what they want, of course they will. The strong rule, Chen Yi. Those who are not strong dream of it.”
― Conn Iggulden, quote from Genghis: Lords of the Bow

“What is the purpose of life if not to conquer? To steal women and land? I would rather be here and see this than live out my life in peace.”
― Conn Iggulden, quote from Genghis: Lords of the Bow

“It is done. We are a nation and we will ride. Tonight, let no man think of his tribe and mourn. We are a greater family and all lands are ours to take.”
― Conn Iggulden, quote from Genghis: Lords of the Bow

“From this day, you are no longer children. If you have to fight, even if it is a friend, put him down as fast and hard as you possibly can. Kill if you have to, or spare him—but beware putting any man in your debt. Of all things, that causes resentment. Any warrior who raises his fist to you must know he is gambling with his life and that he will lose. If you cannot win at first, take revenge if it is the last thing you do. You are traveling with men who respect only strength greater than theirs, men harder than themselves. Above everything else, they respect success. Remember it.”
― Conn Iggulden, quote from Genghis: Lords of the Bow

“The Chin have held us down for a long time, but that is over. We ride to war, brother.”
― Conn Iggulden, quote from Genghis: Lords of the Bow

“Why do you hurt me? What more do you want?” she asked, tears shining in her eyes.
“Power over you, little one,” he said, smiling. “What does any man want but that? It is something in the blood of every one of us. We would all be a tyrant if we could.”
― Conn Iggulden, quote from Genghis: Lords of the Bow

“Behold a people shall come from the north, and a great nation. They shall hold the bow and the lance; they are cruel and will not show mercy; their voice shall roar like the sea, and they shall ride upon horses every one put in array, like a man to the battle.”
― Conn Iggulden, quote from Genghis: Lords of the Bow

“If my brother was made to kneel... you will never walk again.”
― Conn Iggulden, quote from Genghis: Lords of the Bow

“Within two years, they would be attacking us. The emperor has seen what we can do and he will not make the same mistakes again. One chance we have made for ourselves, Khasar. You cannot wound a bear and run. It will chase you down.”
― Conn Iggulden, quote from Genghis: Lords of the Bow

“I have not given thought to what comes after the battles. Perhaps I will rule. Is that not the right of a conqueror?”
― Conn Iggulden, quote from Genghis: Lords of the Bow

“The world will hear my name.” When he spoke again, it was so quiet that Kokchu had to strain to hear him.
“This is not a time of death, shaman. We are one people and there will be no more battles between us. I will summon us all. Cities will fall to us, new lands will be ours to ride. Women will weep and I will be pleased to hear it.”
― Conn Iggulden, quote from Genghis: Lords of the Bow

“Conquering enemy cities was far less complicated than the women in his life, or the children they bore for him.”
― Conn Iggulden, quote from Genghis: Lords of the Bow

“I have called those who had no tribe," he went on, "but still had honor and heeded the call of blood to blood. They rode us in trust. And I say to you all, there are no tribes under the sky father. There is only one Mongol nation and it begins this night, in this place.”
― Conn Iggulden, quote from Genghis: Lords of the Bow

“They have kept us apart for a thousand generations, Kachiun. They have ridden us until we were nothing more than savage dogs. That is the past. I have brought us together and they will be trembling. I’ll give them cause.”
― Conn Iggulden, quote from Genghis: Lords of the Bow

“Iron will not touch you, lord. Stone will not break you. You are the Wolf and the sky father watches.”
― Conn Iggulden, quote from Genghis: Lords of the Bow

About the author

Conn Iggulden
Born date January 1, 1971
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